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Friday, March 26, 2010

Robbing ... Your Thoughts..

Robbing ... just wondering ... this will really have an impact on what kind of character people have invested in.

If a person has put a lot into attack and really put a lot of time into investing heavy into attack based items then they'll be licking their lips for this to begin.

If a person has invested everything into energy and leveling then it's open season on them.

While that kind of account may have gotten that kind of person really really far to date, their world is about to be crushed. Might as well collect what's left of your properties because keeping them up will be near impossible once enough people are able to target you as easy pickins.

I have to wonder on a couple of things.

Will this work exactly as fighting in regard to robbing those who pop up on the robbing list. Before when we had robbing, most people who popped up on the robbing page were robbed out and most didn't bother to rebuild, but the way around that was to keep a list on your computer of those who were easily robbed and always rebuilt after being robbed.

And in regard to being robbed and showing up on the Robbing list similar to showing up on the Fight list. Right now if I don't spend ANY time in NYC, I won't show up on the NYC fight list. Will this be true of Robbing as well? And if I get out of the game in another city like Bangkok, will that prevent me from showing up on the NYC Robbing list?

Another concern on this ... it seems like I read somewhere that Zynga is going to convert the businesses in Cuba, Moscow, and Bangkok so they can be robbed too. Is this true? If so, when will that be rolled out?

This is important, in that, if every city has the potential of having its businesses robbed, then you have to do that much more protection and there wouldn't be a "safe" city to hide in when it comes to which city you make sure you're in before you get out of the game.

What do you think about robbing anyway? Trinity's mood

PS : Credit goes to Mark Kane!


ProXxX said... [Reply to comment]

I still don't have robbing like most of the people but I think robbing is good for the sake of variety. Converting businesses in Cuba, Moscow and Bangkok is logically but it will bring us a lot of nerves. Imagine you get up in the morning and you are impatient to collect all your money, pirates, politico corrupto and etc. but suddenly - you're robbed :D On the other side if you could be robbed only in NY, nobody is going to stay in that city except the Big Fishes =D I don't know...for good or bad I can't wait to have the power of robbing =D Good luck all!

limbun said... [Reply to comment]

whoever robs my A/C I'll hitlist with a bot ! that's for sure .

TATTI said... [Reply to comment]

I had it yesterday but now its gone =(

IOwnYou said... [Reply to comment]

You missed a very important point noob admin. If attack is gonna help u in robbing then the defense skill points should help in defending yourself from robbery. So those who didnt put a lot in attack but a lot in defense are also safe.

Khaotic Kane said... [Reply to comment]

Thanks for posting Ade!

I wish more would comment. :-(

It should be interesting to see how robbing works out and what the answers are to a lot of the questions I raised.

Today when I was fighting in Bangkok instead of receiving Baht I received dollars.

I wonder if that means the person I hit was in NYC?

If that's true then Zynga might have made a HUGE change to the game and that it doesn't matter what city you're in the fight list is the same.

That changes EVERYTHING up dramatically. If this isn't a bug, then it means you can fight in Moscow, but collect Pesos, or fight in NYC and collect Baht.

The biggest change would be that you can't "hide" in a given city by making sure you get out in a city that you figure you'll get hit in less.

Right now I figure there's a lot less players actively playing in Cuba, so I think it's best to "get out" of the game while you're in Cuba.

If Zynga has made the changes that I'm afraid they might have made, then it won't matter what freakin' city you're in when you leave the game.

While you're gone your character could get iced by someone playing in ANY city, or ... ROBBED by someone playing in NYC.

THIS IS H-U-G-E if this is true!!!

Kelly M said... [Reply to comment]

What are Zynga playing at by limiting our attack loot when robbing ? What's the point in having collected and begged for all the good loot only to have Zynga's weird system dilute what each of us have to attack with ~ WHAT A JOKE ! Kelly "Killer Queen"

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

i have robbing but i dont have properties.i just have rackets and so i can rob people and others cant

ashish.youthful said... [Reply to comment]

i was thinking how robbing will effect those people who have rackets instead of properties....

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