Hosted by Chainsaw Chester of [MIG|OG]
Start: April 15th at 9:00PM Central GMT -5 Hours
End: April 17th at 9:00 PM Central GMT -5 Hours
Loot and other things will be given away.
Sponsored by The Informant Podcast and Spockholm
For Registration,Pls drag the bookmarklet belwo to your bookmark bar
War machine Registration
Steps to do:
Step 1:Click once on War machine to get MW Unframe.Click again and you will see this
Step 2: Tick the checkbox if you want to be included in the Giveaways.
Then click Accept and Register!When you done register,you will see this
Step 3: When you done registering, Join The Battle of the Sexes Facebook Page
This is the place where you post that you Iced/Killed someone on the other side of the team!
For The GMT -5 Hours, Pls check here
This is a fight between the men and the women.No men shall be in women team and no woman shall be in men team!
The Men team are called: Testosterone
The Women team are called:Estrogen
At the day when Mock War start,you can use War Machine or SpreadSheet BUT only the War Machine will be counted when you Iced/Killed a player of an opposite team!
So It is recommended you use War Machine to fight.I will try to cover that as soon as possible!
Have a nice Day :)
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