This weekend we've hidden the grrrreatest loot we've ever made: All Tigers, All Weekend!
And don't forget to get to Level 70 so you can fly to Moscow.
And don't forget to get to Level 70 so you can fly to Moscow.
This is so cool!!! Can't hardly wait!!!

me 2 !!! :D
wow there is a lot goin on in MW this weekend... I don't know if I want to try for the hidden loot... mugging job in NY repeatedly... or just go for Moscow.
mugging with more than 1k energy? i hope to get them all at once. i dont wanna re-energize just to get at least 1. what time do they start?
Great loot! You may visit this site to find further information: Mafia Wars Blog
i dunno bout the lotting item things. half me of me can't wait to get them asap. the other half is im gonna really2 mad if i don't get them completely just like b4.
good luck everyone..
Over "hard labor day" and the preview of Moscow the mugging strategy only works for relativity low level players. I for example (level 131 at the time) got one item with 500 energy doing this but doing "Capo" level jobs I got 11 items with the same amount of energy. While this could just be a statistical anomaly, other player have reported the same phenomenon. Oh and don't forget to fight, especially as if in the Moscow preview it is possible to loot items when you lose (for this though we will have to wait and see how it is set up).
And: There will probably be a limit again... so after you lootet 32 items there wont be any more... if you got all of the different items, lucky you! if you just got 32 ligers... whatever.. ^^
I am a lvl 500+ player with thousands of energy and the mugging job worked for me with the hard labor day.
I didnt get all mafia wars preview items. i reached 32 and didnt loot any others... that sucked because I wasted 3000+ nrg on mugging after that and went crazy ^^ lol
good luck for all tigerlooters! :)
are u gonna be able to get the tiger loots in new york or its just of moscow?¿?¿
It's started.
can u get the items anywherE?
Is it similar to before where you can loot anywhere or do you have to be in Moscow to loot? I haven't had much success yet - tried doing missions and fighting for the last 1/2 hour...
so can we mug the tiger loot from the new york jobs? say,from the street thug tier?
got all 8!!!! wooot! mugging definitely works
dropped all of these from the mugging job and fighting so far:
Tora Assault Rife - 28 A, 12 D
Siberian Tiger - 36 A, 14 D
Pro's 2 Iron - 24 A, 19 D
Le Tigre - 26 A, 15 D
Tigershark Submersible - 37 A, 18 D
Tigerskin Armor - 12 A, 30 D
yes, its like before. I just got items doing the mugging job
From the mugging job:
Tora Assault Rife - 28 A, 12 D
Siberian Tiger - 36 A, 14 D
Pro's 2 Iron - 24 A, 19 D
Le Tigre - 26 A, 15 D
Tigershark Submersible - 37 A, 18 D
Tiger Tank - 18 A, 43 D
Tigerskin Armor - 12 A, 30 D
i got all of it.some of it is veri the tiger tank.
Got the last one, too, all from mugging job
Liger - 45 A, 12 D
fucking napoleon dynamite. liger at 45 is pretty tough
is it worth buying the russian bear?
Absolutely buy the Russian Bear - Defense is 45!
in moscow already running things also got 3 siberian tigers the rest are kind of hard for me... still looking out i have whole weekend to get these
This is just cool
I got a liger from Disrupt Rival Smuggling Ring or its Assassinate a Political Figure. This is only maybe...
its the fucking tank not coming for me... i have wasted 450 energy for it in mugging job...
I can't get the tank either. Got 18 items overall but I've gotten a lot of 'We cannot process your request at this time' error message. That's the first time I've ever seen that so I hope that isn't them having problems processing giving me a tank :(
Wow ....I obtain the Tiger Tank!!!
18 Attack
43 Defense
Now a Liger !!! this is my lucky day!
just completed all from mugging and some cuba jobs and of course fights!
i have collected 32 items and it seems like nothing more of this special tiger loot is coming anymore.
35 is the limit or was from the labor day loot drop.
i have 33 now..
anybody collected more?
Is it possible to collect more than 1 Liger or Tank?
I have 2 ligers and 2 tanks
got everythin but liger and siberian tiger i think. im level 71 and mugging has worked so far but ive got a few repeats 13 drops so far with about 300 or so energy but goin away this weekend :S might be over wen i come back :'(
I found all my loots by fight in moscow. I have 105 stamina, just do it. I got all 8 items after refill stamina 3 times.
Got all eight loots fighting in Cuba and doing jobs in NY.
Got everything and now I can't find anymore :/ Total of 33 looted tiger items
Yeah, If you guys can count how many TOTAL tiger loot you have that would be great.
I know the labor day loot and the russian loot you could only get 32 I think. ?
please join my mafia guys i will give you gifts and energy packs daily :)
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Man, I've been fighting and doing jobs all freakin' day and I've only gotten one tiger loot! What the hell?!
I have 33 too. The last two was the last two i was missing. :) Lucky me. :) Since then i have been mugging and mugging but nothing has come out :(
Good luck to all how need more of the tigers :)
I have 33 items.....? I got 11 le tigres, a tank, 4 subs, 3 vests, 2 ligers, 2 tigers, 2 clubs, 8 toras
So the limit u think is 33?
Got them all!!!
The Liger and the Tank are the strongest. The other ones are cool but the stats are average.
Got them all doing the mugging job with 700 energy and fighting a bit with 100 stamina
I have 31 tiger items, but no tank yet
i got liger on the first job i did today....and i did not kno that this tiger event was going on. so a liger popped up and i was like...O SHIT!!haha
whats a mugging ? please answer
Mugging is the very first job. It gives 1 experience and uses 1 energy, so you can do jobsas many times as your energy stat.
I've gotten everything but the Siberian Tiger so far, including the tank and liger. Heh. Go figure.
I haven't been doing muggling though, I have 804 energy and have levelled 7 times so far while getting the loots.
rolf i know a great job that i can level up on for like forever. got tired. leveled up like 20 levels in one day. as for me i only got 2 item :(
so - will the mugging work for the higher (100+) levels on this event?
I have got 7 out of 8 so far. I am at lvl 100+ and mugging job works for me. spent only 800 energy on mugging and got 3 items from it. the other 4 from around 200 fights. The only loot I haven't got is the tiger (not the Siberian tiger)
It barely took me ten minutes to find all eight items
1 Armor
2 Submarines
2 Tiger Tanks
3 Le Tigres
1 Liger
1 Tiger
1 Pro Iron
6 Assault Rifles)
All in 10 minutes-ish.
I'm level 95, I got a LOT of the items from fighting (85 Stamina), a few (2-3) from Hitman level jobs, and the rest from muggings. I used around 300-400 Energy and 85-100 Stamina.
Mugging works...I got all items with just using 200 energy and 90 stamina...few fights and jobs... great....
I have 8 of 9 tiger loot items as of 2am eastern time and all I did was fight and do the mugging job in NY. I went through about 500 energy points & about 200 stamina. All I need now is the tank, although I have gotten about 9 of the assault rifles! I am a level 224 so the earlier comment about having to be a lower level player is obviously inaccurate. I've gotten all the hidden items for every holiday/occasion since I started playing every time by doing the same thing, as well. Good luck to all the mafia addicts like myself! Das vi danya
f***,i got 11 Le Tigre now....
but no tank.....
does anyone else figure how the tiger loot is russian... and the tiger tank just so happens to be ehh.... german
I've got all the items, It wasnt that hard
since Im only a level 60, It cost me about 300+ Energy and about 60+ Stamina, it wasnt that hard
but when I said too myself
"Ok I only need the golf item, I've got 170 Energy I'll use 70 because I dont want too use it all" When I got too 101 I got the cub awsome or what?
Why is it taking so long to get shit? I haven't got anything and I'm being beaten to death by people who have! Not fair!
i have got 31 items but i am still missing the liger and the tank... i have got 8 assault rifles and 9 le tigre.. i guess nobody can beat that.. how did u guys get ur hands on ligers and tanks??
got the tiger tank doin jobs in cuba... got 32 items now... is 32 the limit or i still have chances on gettin a liger??
sexy, got the liger to doin jobs in cuba.. last two loot items i could get were the ones i wanted the most....
i guess 33 items are the limit for the tiger loot
since i have 33 i spent around 1,5k energy in mugging, but no more drop
anyone got more than 33?
finally i got all 8 tiger items...
that tiger tank pop out when count come to 32 items.....
tigers are asian....they are dropping hints in russia about the next spot. I saw 2 tests in the dropdown over the last week, first was bangkok for 20 seconds and the other was tokyo for a few is coming faster than we think.
Yeah,it caps out at 33
please i am level 90 fearless please tell me how to get the fucking tank i ve tried the muging job and fights got all items other than tank
Russia is in Asia and Siberian tigers are mostly only found in Russia...
I just need the two tigers and tank
Could I get them from mugging fighting or where can I get them from
Please Help :)
...Russia is in Asia? No, not really.
A part of Russia's eastern side is indeed in Asia, but not only most of it is in Europe, it's classified as an european country for many other reasons. Two of them (but not all) are the fact that Russia started out in Europe before expanding into Asia, and is predominantly caucasian (race).
On topic: finally got all 8. Didn't do mugging a single time, just jobs (850 energy) and some fights (10 stam =P)
why cant i seem to get anything bit the cars an the gun thing. iv used all my energy (350) twice through lvleling an once from an energy pack. i have been tryings since friday night and only hav 26 tiger car things and 14 of the guns.
how come i cant get anything else?
I have the same problem.
I can only get the pro iron from mugging and fights don't work.
Are you sure mugging works for level 100+?
im only a level 35 and ive gotting everything except the liger from mugging
I am level 118 and I got several of the items from doing the mugging job, including the Liger (first item I got). Also gotten a few from robbing. I have multiples of everything except the submersible and tank - havent gotten either of those yet.
Iv been freaking doin this all fucking day and only got the freaking gun help me, im level 31
Does it help to have more than one of the items?
I am pretty sure the limit is 33 items.
I got a tank finally.
My count:
1 Tiger Tank
2 Pro's 2 Iron
2 Tigershark Submersible
2 Ligers
4 Siberian Tigers
6 Le Tigre
7 Tora Assault Rifle
9 Tiger Skin Vest
i am a level 155. i just need Tiger tank.
is there any reward after i collect all of 8 tiger loot? just like shturmovick in the moscow preview loot.
im finding it really hard to find a liger ive used about 500 energy and have gotten evrything except the liger and i so far have 28 items all together hopefully i find a liger before monday night
yes at last i found a tiger tank
I'm left with the submarine and the tank.. Help Me people.. D:
Suggestions? I tried fighting in Moscow and Cuba but did not get the tank or the sub.
I got 6 out of the 8 so far from fighting, mostly. I didn't even think about doing the mugging job until i saw it on the comments here, i thought that zynga would adjust the drop rate, based on levels.
But i still havent found the siberian tiger and tiger tank, and i still want more ligers, they have awesome attack and they are just AWESOME alltogether.
wheres is that damn Liger? can't found one got 3 tiger tank and 9 Le Tigre car. where have you found your liger?
you sure its 33? I had 30 items and I just used 80 energy on the mugging job and got 2 items.
I then used 200 energy and didn't get any items.
Of course I need the liger and I have 11 of the stupid gun..... :(
ive found 7 of 8 i need a liger and ive already looted 31 altogether so i only have 2 more chances
My loots from fighting and mugging:
1 Pro's 2 Iron
6 Tora Assault Rifle
1 Siberian Tiger
1 Liger
4 Tigerskin Armored Vest
2 Tigershark Submersible
2 Letigre
just missing the tank, but I guess I've still got plenty of chances to get it. hopefully :D
how to find all ?! im attackend doing job but i always get a same :( help plz
I go the rares loots extremely early. I got 80% of them from fighting. and i used 700+ energy... all i got was an assault rifle and a submersible. I got the liger as my 4th drop, and the Tiger tank as my 5th drop. I now have:
4 Tora Assault Rifles
2 Siberian Tiger
1 Liger
1 Tigerskin Armored Vest
1 Tigershark Submersible
4 Le Tigre
2 Tiger Tanks
Im so happy i got all the strongest ones. Im not really tying to get the last one since it is weak, but i want all 8 so ill go for it. I am trying to get doubles of the strongest ones, and find the iron i guess...
got seven already without doing the mugging job... i just move out occasionally in each of the cities, doing jobs and fighting in each of the cities and i have a lot more to fill (with regards the 33 item limit...) coz i only have i think... 20 of the items all in all...
tring to get liger got 4 tanks so far =/
i got everything except the liger from mugging i got the liger from fighting and im a level 38
so far
ligers 0
serbian tiger 1
pro's 2 iron 3
tora assualt rifle 7
tigerskin armoured vest 6
Le tiger 7
tiger tank 4
tigershark subermisble 1
guys if u cant find the liger dont give up i didnt get it till the last drop
o yh got another liger ppl 3 in total and got all 8 tiger loot and doubles and more of every thing
2 Liger
2 Tigershark Submersible
3 Siberian Tiger
8 Tora Assault Rifle
8 Le Tigre car
3 Pro's 2 Iron
1 Tiger Tank
6 Tigerskin Armored Vest
Total: 33 (so far) I received more from Fights than Mugging(s). Most jobs done in one day: 2473
if you guys can put your Level and Stats, so we can benchmark to, would be helpful...
Level 327
Attack: 448 Defense: 470 Health: 357 Energy: 883 Stamina: 60 Mafia Att: 50,304 Mafia Def: 43,980
@ September 26, 2009 1:45 PM Anonymous said... "why can't i seem to get anything but the cars and the gun thing. i've used all my energy (350) twice through leveling and once from an energy pack. i have been trying since friday night and only have 26 le tiger cars and 14 of the tora assault rifles. how come i can't get anything else?"
Q: Is that true on your number count? 26+14
Woo it took in total 2180 energy and 450 stamina but i got everything.
Was it worth it?
There is no pattern guys! Just use first job in NY (mugging) and fighting. That's it. I used 4400 exp. points to gather them all, and my fingers hearts by all that clicking on mugging. :))
does this end in 3 hours? or does it end in 15? I never know.
still going now, i have 1 assault thing and 5 le tiger cars, so ANOYYING
I got 33 tiger items, my friend had the same. Earned all 8 items.
I'm still going to try to earn more. Hopefully another tiger tank or liger. All items obtained from mugging.
spent a lot of energy & stamina this morning and nothing came up, I'm hoping it hasn't finished yet I'm still looking for two more.
nothing all day... is this over?
Me too, Nothing all day and I have other accounts going - Had to of spent more then 1000 energy and fought more then 500 times but fuck all!! Hmmmm
has it ended?
im nt sure coz im nt gettin anythin else?
It says it goes til Midnight Monday PST right in MW
I haven't gotten anything at all since yesterday afternoon, and I only have 26 items. Why can't I just get that Liger.
ive been doing the mugging job and just missing the liger
I'm guessing it's over. I'd get at least 3 every level and I wasn't even doing the Mugging job. And I didn't even get the dam Liger. ):
I managed to collect a total of 22 items, including 3 tanks, but NO LIGERS, after playing pretty hard all weekend. Never did a single mugging, just did a lot of fighting and did regular jobs. Level 112 right now, stamina=35, energy=325... Got almost all of my items during the first few hours of game play, have been holding out all weekend for the stupid liger... But not for me. Wish I could trade in a tank!
I played all day from friday (I was actually playing when it flipped over the moment they released Moscow and the Tigers Unleashed) and I only got 7 of 8! I didn't get the Liger. Fooly cooly crap. I fought tons and did loot jobs, and once I had 7 of 8 it just stopped giving me any tiger loot (which previously I was getting some doubles). So that was a bummer... Almost level 70 so I can fly to Moscow, my mum, who really doesn't play at all and doesn't even understand the game really ended up getting a Liger as one of the first 3 items she got, she also got 7 out of 8 only. =(
i got all 8 items!!!
i got le tigre from cuba fighting
i got liger from beat up rival gangster
i got tiger from mugging
i got tigershark submarine from beat up rival gangster
i got tank from fighting in ny
i got tigerskined armour from fighting in ny
i got assoult riffle from beating up rival gangster
i got golf put thingy from beating up rival gangster
it was awsome but now i have 6 of the 8 nad i was planning in getting 2 more tiger crates but they were off the list instead there were these stupid cuban crates
can anybody tell me how to get tiger now ?
can anybody tell me how to get the liger? i have to get it. please tell me.
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