The 411 guy has been doing a great job for giving us good info about what's going on in Mafia Wars game.
Now there is a detail info about Spy Hunter Collection Event which Hayden has posted yesterday.Here is the Spy Hunter Collection Event 411 :
Spy Hunter Collection Event 411
Updated 04/01/2011 at 20:31
Now its your turn at espionage by going undercover to evade the authorities in the Spy Hunter Collection Event! Collect False Identities by completing Jobs, Robbing, Fighting, and through Gifting. Hunting spies is always a game of risk, and we didn't forget about that in this one. Each day you will have the chance to open a Spy Hunter Mini-Game which will give you the opprotunity to win up to 5 more False Identities, but choose wisely! We're giving you a variety of ways to collect False Identities through the following in-game features: Gifting Complete jobs, win fights, and rob properties Playing the Spy Hunter Mini-Game! Through posting and clicking on wall posts Purchasing directly from the Marketplace for 1 Reward point each A False Identities mini-game will also be available to increase the chances of collecting extra False Identities! This mini-game may randomly appear when completing jobs, fights, or robbing and you will be presented with the option of selecting one of four briefcases for the chance to win up to five False Identities. One mini-game can be played every 24 hour period for free. There is also the rare chance of finding a Golden Mask behind a secret door! Each time you participate in the Mini-Game you are also given the opportunity for a replay at the cost of 1 Reward Point. Good Luck! Maximum Collection limits for the Spy Hunter Loot event 10 False Identities can be looted each day from Job completion. Each False Identity has a very rare chance of being a Golden Identity, which equals 5 False Identities. (The rare chance of collecting a Golden Identity can only be achieved once per day from completing Jobs.) Please note: The Double Loot Mastery from your Crew bonus does not apply to the Secret Identities.10 False Identities can be looted each day from Fighting. Each False Identity has a very rare chance of being a Golden Identity, which equals 5 False Identities. (The rare chance of collecting a Golden Identity can only be achieved once per day from Fighting.) 10 False Identities can be looted each day from Robbing player’s properties. Each False Identity has a very rare chance of being a Golden Identity, which equals 5 False Identities. (The rare chance of collecting a Golden Identity can only be achieved once per day from Robbing player’s properties.) Please note: The Double Take from the Crew bonus does not apply to the Secret Identities. 40 False Identities can be collected each day from free gifts. All False Identities collected after you have reached the daily maximum of 40 will be converted into a Mystery Bag. There is a maximum combined amount of 40 False Identities that can be collected each day from the combination of Gifting, Robbing, Jobs, Fighting, and Wall Posts. 5 False Identities can be collected each day from the Secret Identities wall posts. There are not any limits to the number of times that you can post an ‘ask wall post’. The first five friends who click on your post will send one your way You cannot click to collect from your own wall post - "Nice try, but you cannot collect from you own feed." 10 False Identities can be collected per day from clicking on a friend's wall post. • There are two different types of wall posts (ask and share) and you can collect up to 5 for each type. • When you click on an ask wall post, it will also send one to your friend. • If you have maxed out at 5 for type of wall post, you will get a "You collected the max number of False Identities from this type of feed. Try again tomorrow." • If 5 people beat you to the wall post, you will get a "You are too late. All the False Identities have been claimed. Look out for more." 5 False Identities can be collected per day from clicking on a friend's Golden Identity wall post. • You will receive a False Identity from this post, not a Golden Identity • If 5 people beat you to the wall post, you will get a "You are too late. All the False Identities have been claimed. Look out for more." There are not any limits to the number of False Identities that you can collect from playing the False Identities Mini-Game, however, it will cost 1 Reward point each time that replay the Mini-Game. Secret Identities may be purchased for 1 Reward Point each through the Marketplace. When enough Secret Identities have been collected you will be able to redeem them for the following items: 25 False Identities -- Hornet Goggles (25/47) Armor, Common 50 False Identities -- Everglade Rat Snake (60/32) Animal, Uncommon 100 False Identities -- Dragons’s Head (67/36) Vehicle, Rare 150 False Identities -- Atlas Avenger (92/47) Weapon, Superior Put out your dragnet, don your costume, and see how many False Identities your can come up with! |
Some of players are not ready for this event because they have not finished the previous one yet.
So I'll say take it or just leave it! The game is for fun, not to make you feel stress all day long!
![Peace yo!](
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