We got 2 new weapons there.
The stats are pretty high but for me they are not worth buying. If u wanna buy them go ahead ;)
Just a little thought to the devs. TRY HARDER! the weapons descriptions are pretty cheesy.....

Stay in touch.
We got a another recycled weapon again... I really have no clue why the call it "limited time weapon" and the pull it back again after a while. Kinda starting to think they are running out of ideas.....
Anyway, for anyone who hasnt build it yet u got the chance now to do it again. U need 10 ammunition for the first build and 5 after that. I only built it once a while ago for my collection :)

U can get the ammunition via "free gifting".

I don't recommend crafting it, only if u are running mega low on weapons parts or u cant build something better than what this weapon give. Remember skill points are more important than mafia strength :)
What I recommend is building "Railguns, Plasma Rifles, Hack Blades and Stun Knuckles" I highly recommend building (Hack Blades and Stun Knuckles) since they give u the most profit of skill points... sure only if u have enough stuff to do so.

(click to enlarge)Stay in touch
Today's free point is an energy point :)
Claim it from here :)
http://zyn.ga/3VQStay in touch
Here are the winners of our Give Away :
1. Med Ali Baccouche --->
200 Arcturion Assault Rifle
2. Ali Husain -->
200 Goldsmobile
3. Pit Vichos -->
200 Range Finder Rifles
4. Khyree D Luffy -->
100 Reindharts & Otto
5. Willie Borner -->
100 Bighorn
6. Predrag Miljkovic -->
100 Cooling Vests
7. Gretel Branton --->
100 Foo Fighters
8. Richard Weaver --->
Beaches Collection
9. Totok Hendrayanto --->
Musical Instruments Collection
10. Maksim Gorkiy --->
Drinks Collection
11. Steve Stegall --->
Amazonian Plants Collection
12. Naive Naivez --->
Head Dresses Collection
13. Michael Truong --->
$10 Game Card
Hayden and I will contact the winners and send out the prizes!
Please leave your comments if you are one of the winners and have received the prizes at the comment section below this post.
Congratulations to all of you. Stay tuned for the upcoming Give Away very soon!

PS : Thanks to Frogi again for the prizes!
Avishek is one of our friends and he likes to share his experience on Mafia Wars game with us.
Today I found a strange thing and wanted to share with you.
Its about Brazil consumables.
The name of the consumables changes to Spanish in the Properties page.
But in the jobs page they are in English.
Here are the screenshots :

Not sure why this kind of bug happening.. as long as you know that you're looking for "Gas Can", it's no biggy at all.
Thanks for sharing, Avishek!

Rizvan is one of my best mafia.
He sent me this email few days ago when I couldn't go online.
Here is one screenshot showing that he has finished Brazil but the progress bar says that the last job activity it shows 133% done!
The same email also come from Joe Gucidilliano.. thanks to both of you, my friends..

And Ali Raza has also posted one of this bug on
Mafia Wars Maniac fan page :

This picture above shows us that he mastered brazil 120%.
Rizvan also found out that the best city to do fighting Bosses in Brazil missions is in Las Vegas!
He said if I attack them in Las Vegas rather than in Brazil, they die quickly.
Here are the screenshots :
Fighting In Brazil
Fighting In Las Vegas

Jeff has also posted the same trick on our
Mafia Wars Maniac fan page. Thanks Jeff!
Perhaps you have another way to defeat Boss in Brazil?
Please kindly share your experiences on the comment section.
Happy killing!
PS : Thanks again to Ali Raza, Jeff, Rizvan and Joe Gucidilliano

Ok, so everybody now is doing this Limited Time Mission in Brazil :
Brazil Smuggling Event!
Luis has posted about all items needed to complete this mission and also the mastery items you can get
here. One of my best mafia, Ali, has sent me the following screenshots that he has mastered the event for 3 times!
Great job, Ali!!!

And once again, here they are :
I appreciate all the kind infos that you sent to us.
Sometimes we miss something and can not post it.. your help is very much welcome!
Thank you very much, my friends..

If you have not mastered this gifting event yet, you still have time until Friday, April 1st.
Q: How long does this event last?
A: This event is schedule to end on Friday, April 1st, however, this date is subject to change. A 48 hour countdwon timer will start two days prior to the end of the even to keep you on track
Have fun!

Some friends have problem with their Brazil mission... Somehow it's disappear from your game.
Haider has posted one article
here that he didn't have the Brazil missions anymore.

And please click on "Vote to Fix" button available there so these occurrences can be appropriately prioritized and corrected in a timely manner.
One more issue that still happening to some players about Brazil Ruby mastery (check it
here) :

They are aware about this and will fix it soon.
Hope all bugs are gone and you can enjoy your game again soon.
Take care!

Hi all,
Long time no see..
So sorry that I couldn't go online. Thanks to all admins for keeping this blog alive.
Anyway, today I saw this screenshot posted on one of my favorite group (I can not tell the source, but thanks to Jason - the original uploader).

His Mafia Wars stats got minus, went down and it's not good!
What happen?
One said that Zynga has removed all duplicate items in Brazil. Another one said perhaps it's not exactly duplicate, but the mastery items with different levels... So only the highest level will remain in your Inventory.
If you also experience this, you may want to ask to
Zynga Customer Support.. Just in case they can give you the answer or maybe give you some rewards.
Good luck!
Since I didnt have the Brazil missions anymore i went on chat to ask about them (and I was pretty pissed) I was just talking to one person from the support team, that person said that if u dont have the missions anymore u will get them after finishing the new limited time missions. That person also helped me to finish the missions which was mega cool of that person! and i got the brazil missions back now :).... So dont be in a rush just finish the limited time missions and u will get them back :)
the reason of the fail was that people already mastered some of Brazil jobs allowing the Brazil missions to auto complete and disappear. That person said more about it but i got disconnected because my browser crashed and couldn't copy the whole thing here.
Collect your health point for today!
Ok we have another limited time mission available is called Take Back The Street
The Reward is Hawkeye Classic with attack 85 and defense 143 great item ;)
Thanks to
Thomas who sent this in!
Yep, so previously when it was first released, there's no Attack or Defense bonus for the mastery items..
On 25 March, Zynga added Attack and Defense for those items already!
Tier 1 -
Tier 2 -
Tier 3 -
Tier 4 -
Tier 5 -
Thanks to
Rizvan who sent in this info..
He noticed that the Brazil Mastery on his homepage is now 133%!
Stand a chance to get a stamina refill! -
Grab the defense Point
Grab your 1 Attack Point!