Perhaps you wanna know the fastest link to heal yourself fast..
~To Heal Immediately:
~To the Hospital:
You can't heal so fast! What the???
How long do I have to wait until I can buy health again in the hospital?
60 seconds.
Hope these infos could help you, families
![Trinity's mood](
Anyway to direct that to a specific city?
Am working on my billion, so am healing Cuba - and now i certainly don't wanna screw up and heal in Moscow!
you'd be better off healing in NY, well i would anyways, i have around 170million income per hour and it comes quick, cuba and moscow money only comes every 3 hours so you need to save up as much as you can of that money for buying stuff for jobs, i have over 3billion in moscow and i use to for buying weapons for attacking, and in cuba i have over 13milllion in cuba in my bank, and i've got 1 tier left for NY and then i start on cuba jobs and i need all the money i can get in cuba, so use money from NY to heal yourself ;)
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