So I quickly send the Mystery Bag to some mafias, I also sent one to my noob to see what will I get.. because somehow somebody attacked me and I can not see the boost on my Profile..
When I go to my noob account and claim the Mystery Bag sent by my main account, I got surprised that I only receive this one..
I feel very disappointed...
Zynga has also changed Mutt boost into Alarm System... too bad they have not combined the amount of it, so we can see from the picture that we still have 2 images of Alarm System boost!

Hayden has this funny bug... his Mutt (now is turning to Alarm System) has showed NEGATIVE amount... One more Negative thingy we found here..
Check out the email from Hayden about this bug..
Yea, so recently there's many bugs with Boosts out there..I saw the thread on MW Forum today, so i decided to check out on my boosts.. Guess what i found?Mutt had turned into Alarm System, and i'm not sure why there's two same images of Alarm System on the boosts page..The first Alarm System bug is okay. :) the second Alarm System bug is good! Currently -666 of it! when someone robs me, it increases like -667, -668 and so on!But this bug for some of the many players is considered as bad, as the boosts disappeared on them :)
Please check on the screenshot from Hayden..
Is it because of the new Slots Machine game or Beat The Feds event coming soon?
Guess only Zynga can tell us.. 

PS : Appreciate the kind info, Hayden... You rock!
When you send out your "Red Mystery Bag" it has always been just a "Red Mystery Bag"; not a "Red Mystery Bag with something in it already"... When you open them it's random, sadly.
Boss fights in Las Vegas have been nerfed today. I took down Mojave Desert boss 'Red Jackson' without using any RP and chips to recover. Her henchmen were both at zero health points when I attacked her. Its weird.
The first one it's not a bug. When you open the Mistery Bag YOU found something but the Mistery Bags of your friend is different.
ur mafia will never get the same item as the one u first seen/got on any mystery bag :) it has always been like that!
Haider :)
but did you notice that you can't buy the alarm system now? You could buy mutts before, and now that they are alarms, you can't buy them anymore! :(
LOL, not even Zynga could tell us, because they're a bunch of monkeys that don't really know what they are doing anyway :D
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