If you check on your HELP section at the game header, you will see that we don't have the "Coming Soon!" page anymore... They have changed it to "Game News" page..

It has 2 tabs, ie Community News and Release Notes..
Too bad, that they don't update the news that often... And the notes only contain this one :
Come back later for updated release notes!
Guess they have to update it regularly, otherwise these pages will be useless..
PS : Thanks to Cohen for the quick info.. 

It's already useless. Last 'coming soon' update was at the end of July. They could have used the spot to hype Beat the Feds, the truck explosion. But no. They put it in the game, never use it, and we get blind sided with only a couple days prep for these new events. Case in point, we have another fight event in two days. Could've let us know about it a while ago on the game news page. Zynga sucks at PR.
Check this out! http://img839.imageshack.us/img839/5509/crazyvegasmoney.png
Got this much by a robbing bug. A easy slot rob that I did about 1000 times (didn't have the cash payout roof that others have)
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