Bangkok gives an annoying bug to some players.. They have a strange level mastery in Episode 3. Here is an email from one of you :
When I first started Episode 3 : Pirate, it had me at level 11 mastery with 3% job mastery and lots of items needed... I thought it was weird that the job mastery was so low and the item requirements so great... Remember this is supposed to be level one... Now I find out I got screwed... It took me three days just to beat chapter one of episode 3... Do you think there's a way I can get this fixed?
And these are the screenshot sent by some of you who has this bug. They have level 6 mastery, level 8 mastery, etc..
I think we can not fix it by ourself.. we need help from the team.
So you can submit a ticket to Support Team (you can find the link on your game, see at top right corner) or you can go to Zynga forum and post your problem on Bug Report section.
Here are the links :
Support Team :
Bug Report :
PS : Thanks to Michael, zuPPazThaR, Larry,and lots of you who has sent me the screenshot of this bug. Good luck, my friends 

Hey Mafia Wars Maniac! I have the samme error with 11 levels of mastering !! Bt you know what's the worst part is? We can not get the mastering item!!!
this glitch is totally not sweet!poor your friend.
I have same problem.
This is reply from Zynga:
Hello Petr,
Thanks for contacting Zynga.
The problem you are experiencing is a known issue that we are working hard to resolve quickly! We apologize for the inconvenience this has caused and appreciate your understanding.
Zynga Customer Support
kak ade, knapa voting nya lama kali?? 6 hari..
nnt kburu abis masa glitch nya,,
mnding post aja skr kak ade, :D
thanks for posting the problem...i tried to contact zynga and i get the same old story "The problem you are experiencing is a known issue....bla bla" If so, why dont they just fix it. I'm starting to hate this game...
Anyway, thanks again :)
Same here spend lots of money and after mastered all jobs can't finish the boss and no mastering loot
I have the same problem. Level 11 here. Very annoying. I emailed, and nothing yet other then "we know about it" blah blah blah.
I have the same problem, it pisses me off
I dont know what your probs are. I have also level 11 and spend a lot of money and cant go on, BUT isnt there enough to do for you. There are some more episodes to solve and i think this takes enough time to give Zynga the the time to find a solution
Me too at level 11. jobs require a ton of baht. We are getting ripped off... and the boss job dont work... sucks .. I sent in a ticket and they sent me back the definition of BETA.. what a joke.
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