(Image was taken from Mafia Wars Wiki)
Here are some items that we get from opening our Gold Treasure Chest using the golden keys..
The key can be dropping randomly from the Daily Take.. and also from buying at the Marketplace using Reward Points..
If you really want to buy the Golden Key, please wait until it is on sale!
And also the key is non giftable...
So find them by yourself.. and open your Golden Treasure Chests... Good luck! ![](http://i89.servimg.com/u/f89/11/59/11/00/bye210.gif)
PS : Thanks to Hayden for all infos! Credit goes to Mafia Wars Wiki! ![This one is for you!](http://i89.servimg.com/u/f89/11/59/11/00/give_r10.gif)
![This one is for you!](http://i89.servimg.com/u/f89/11/59/11/00/give_r10.gif)
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