Not applied to every player yet.. but soon will do! Prepare for yourself.. play hard!
From the sceenshot above, we have to unlock Bangkok by looking for Elephant icon.
This is one of job example :

Will give more once I have another screenshot! So happy now...
PS : Special thanks to Jason for this info!
I have all 3 of the ones we need :)
FYI its not only Bangkok.. actually its between the Japanese VS. Chinese
Bangkok is out???? i say its not yet Out... because you have to wait for the launch date to get the passport
not only you that have the 3 items... many of us too.. its very easy to locate the items...
let us know what side to chose to get the best weapons :D
still waiting the passport, and its easy to get the 3 items
waiting for the new top loot list and and their stats ....
Is the Bangkok Stuff a loot drop of only NY....
Cant seem to get any in moscow.....
Yeah Bangkok stuff only found in NY,where Elephant symbol appears.
i aint wearing no panties
is Japanese vs Hong KOng
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