I got this from a friend.. I'm sharing this with you in hope that we have faith on better game in the future.. The game that we want.. better game play.. better rules..
I am asking the permission from the Infinity Clan or any parties related with the content of this article to post this on my blog. Thank you. 

A Mafia Wars group called the Infinity Clan has put out a hit on Zynga, calling for players to boycott Mafia Wars and all of Zynga's games on December 16-21.
During the last 24-hour boycott, the game's Daily Active Users dropped 15% according to the game. Right now, the group has more than 428,000 members, which is pretty impressive for a grassroots effort.
Infinity Clan, Cyberspace (Dec 17th, 2009) - The Infinity Clan, also known as the InfinityMW clan, has engaged in successful talks with gaming developer Zynga after nearly a week of turmoil and boycott. The talks included several top executives from Zynga in addition to developers, customer service, security, and operations managers; representing the MafiaWars community were several Infinity clan officers, an alliances liason, and Vinnie Vici (Godfather of Infinity). Effective immediately, the boycott of Zynga and in particular that of MafiaWars has been called off. The effects of the boycott were profound not only on Zynga but also on the addicted customer base who participated. It goes without saying that the boycott was formed as a result of issues that needed adequately addressed. Technical issues which affect an inordinate amount of players, such as half-loading frames ("white screen of death"), were just one aspect of the bigger picture; Zynga's commitment to correcting technical errors and poor coding practices in general has been reinforced both by our conversation and the voice of the MafiaWars community as a whole.
Perhaps the most pressing issue of concern was Zynga's use of a tool called iesnare/mpsnare. Iesnare, a trademark of Iovation, is designed primarily to assist with payment authentication and backend fraud protection through the use of Device Reputation Authority (DRA). This technology links your computer (well, your NIC card's MAC addy) to your account, which was believed by many in the MafiaWars community to be a privacy invasion. Further conversation with lead developers and Zynga's head of security have clarified this situation on a technical level that appeases the concerns to a degree; none of the information collected can be used to identify you personally, and stored data is aggregate data; even more pleasing though is that Zynga has decided to develop an in-house replacement to Iesnare (albeit this may take a little while to implement). This is much better than the old solution of simply changing the name due to the word "snare" in it. Users of the MafiaWars application should note that the technical conversation revealed that the current circumvention technique of using the local loopback address ( only serves to subject the end user to increased risk and as such Infinity recommends that users cease utilizing that method (other methods employed by users remain viable). The bottom line is, iesnare is only used for payment processing and not to detect the use of bots, scripts, or alternate accounts.
Among other improvements and solutions the MafiaWars community can look forward to:
- iFraming is out (no need anymore for the Jailbreak tool in the InfinityMW Toolbar); this should alleviate many sufferers of the White Screen of Death (WSOD)
- Payment processing concerns: in particular, an exploit that could be performed using Firefox and TamperData has been immediately resolved (and personally verified as resolved); Zynga's payment processing, in terms of security (not stability), is PCI compliant and secure. Stability & errors, they are working on.
- Robbing is coming back! While the previous iteration by Zynga was that it may not be plausible, the current position was a quite clear (verbatim) "We will be bringing it [robbing] back"
- Zynga will be working on providing clan leaders with a Zynga-employed liason that provides direct interaction with the leaders and developers at Zynga; this would likely be restricted to established GFs/GMs, so go join a good clan (might I suggest Infinity)
- Code testing prior to production launch will be more rigorous; equality in the sense of the "same game for everyone" will be improved, but offering "first time" purchasers a discount on GF points is standard fare.
- Fighting algorithms, game stability & proper load balancing, and general customer service will be improved; rollout dates for Bangkok were adjusted to accommodate the concerns.
- Zynga maintains that censorship on their boards was related to cross-linking / promoting of non-Zynga sites; I cannot find evidence that any person was given infraction or banning for postings that did not have external links, and such links are indeed prohibited by Zynga's terms of service (TOS) for their forum.
- Zynga will be working as diligently as possible to fix individual concerns; users with customer service complaints should please try to provide their UID to Zynga when filing a ticket (without it, Zynga can't really do anything to help you!)
- Zynga and Infinity will continue to hold talks every few weeks; next talks will be the first week of Jan... updates will of course be provided!
- Zynga will be providing for the reallocating of skill points, to individuals that meet the requirements, in the near future. The purpose is (and always has been) to do so for players who got used to the "old system" (circa July - August).... so if you have a new(er) account, do not be too expectant.
- Wishlist issues should be fixed in the very near future (as in could be already when you read this)... clan links / hitlists should be running properly again as well!
- Tools: Zynga is going to be working more with us rather than against us... full-on autoplayers are of course still forbidden; most clans already police autoplayer users to begin with (what's the point if you aren't going to play?)
- Zynga has been made adequately aware of our concerns regarding loot drops and energy packs in particular; they will be addressing them soon, there are a few more pressing technical concerns which take precedent.
Infinity, as well as a large chunk of users, looks forward to resuming game play and awaits the materialization of the mentioned solutions. A large thanks to everyone who pitched in.
Lol they act like this is real life, a meeting with a clan to work out a deal and a boycott are you serious, i like the game but holy **** some people really really do need a life
real money in play here , so then it becomes real life bussiness
BULLSHIT!!! get a life!
i agree with Anonymous number 2 (lol). The Infinity Clan and all other players are Zynga's customers, and they are currently not happy with the product. This is serious money for Zynga, as this is their top product. I didn't stop playing, but I thank those who did, as I also want MW to go back to normal, and for those who posted negative things why bother wasting your time to do this?
The point was that it took clan to boycott shit before zynga would be like yea we are screwing our customers with a crap bug product, i just dont understand it, maybe im missing something, maybe i dont understand how the life around them crumbles but they care more about a fake mafia then the community on which they live in. Whatever floats your boat i guess
i agree wiv anonymous 1, alot of people need t gerra grip, its only a game.
I agree... clans are fucking lame.
I LOL at any one that has a clan as part of their name, and I attack them at will.
Clans are gay!
Keep up the good work, you guys are infinitely stupid. MW has now been down for 5 hours, looks like you are making a huge difference. Get a life you loser morons.
maintense is gone happy playing
lol clans. only losers who can't fend for themselves join them.
yup clans are nothing.. they are weak, i keep on icing ang killing them at fights,, so why join clans? im not into clan because they are useless. if these clans can beat me, im gonna quit playing. but none of them beat me.
Can someone post a list of the members in the Infinity Clan so I can have a list of homos to attack constantly.
A bunch of punk ass bitches whine and crying about a game, lol grow up babies, godfather is prob 11 which he has a excuse but that many people follow what he says wtf, thats a cult not a clan
Giving concessions to this group is not good.
heres what you should post next.....wishlist has 5 slots again!!!
apperantly some russian company wanna buy zynga over...like seriously ppl GET A LIFE, its a game thats based on clicking..CLICKING i frown upon today's society...tsk tsk tsk
I'm sorry... but clans just make me laugh. I might be a loser for playing mafia wars, but seeing people over the age of 12 with "clan tags"... well, they make me feel like less of one.
omfg! man thats something for a gamer, i bet the old timers go to this one lol ! thats what you call power player..okay i have to see the president cuz my neighbor's soo much gay lol
Yeah... Everyone with [*clannames*] is double gay!! Superb Faggot!!
Clan is a group of players like u they just want to something extra....i am a clan member we help low levels of our clans and get support from high level clan members.......but shit this clan is way beyond the boundry this clan should go cry to their mommy
Boycott...????... lol... Infinity "Stupid" Clan...!!!... lol
Do NOT boycot Zynga! The main problems is not with Zynga but with facebook. Screw boycots, just play the game and get use to the changes.
It wasnt a boycott they actually spent some time in the real world, and most of them were grounded from the computer by their moms for staying up so late clicking buttons on a make believe game, this just in, i repeat it was not a boycott but the mafia was grounded
your all bashing this clan like children and ther only trying to bring attention of the situation to zynga so they have to deal with it more publicly rather than there divide and conquer attitude of vetting people seperately it has nothing to do with facebook but all to do with zynga mucking up the code trying to protect there massive revenue while not caring about the players zynga are the 1s who have caused the grief for themselves by being greedy selling nothingneess blame them not these suckers that have spent money ingame they no there shame you dont have to tell them
Anonymous said...
Do NOT boycot Zynga! The main problems is not with Zynga but with facebook. Screw boycots, just play the game and get use to the changes.
its called you work for zynga
basically stop moving the goalpost because everyone will give up trying to score
To all the morons posting here putting down the Clans, I hope you enjoy the improved game play that the boycott brought. Sorry that you are not bright enough to see the added bonus of belonging to a clan, I have met some great people from around the world that I would not have had a chance to contact had it not been for the Clan I am in. Small, small minds. I would guess your "real life" is go work, go to the bar, get drunk, go home. Most of you appear to be lucky to be able to form intelligent conversation.
Go work, go to the bar, get drunk, go home, get laid,go sleep and repeat mmmmmm.
I agree with anonymous.Small minds you see.Small minds.They can't do shit in their lives and when somebody does something good,they can't even appreciate that.
what're the changes? I can't list them because I'm too drunk
What changes, you clan dick riders are out of your mind, i get on use up my energy waiting for replies from family and friends get off, enjoy my wife and kids, trust me the only improved game play im going to notice or give 2 shits about is the no white screen, i could give a shit less about the other stuff, it only helps the high level guys out anyways, when these changes work that will be dope, but when you have a bunch of people who only care about money which is the clan and zynga trust me they dont give a shit about them, and only 19% less game play, if i was zynga wouldve told them to f off trust me, those pimple face, 11yr olds you praise wouldve been back anyways.
Anonymous said...
"To all the morons posting here putting down the Clans, I hope you enjoy the improved game play that the boycott brought."
There is no such improved game play brought on by the boycott at all. Just a lower quality game with a TON of bugs, because these so called Clans are pushing Zynga's buttons for more and more without allowing the programmers to gradually add more improved game play.
Improvements...maybe, we'll se. But something seems to have killed Infinity. Like dead...gone. Their dot com is "suspended". Anyone around this public toilet wall know why?
cause the 12 year old leaders mom credit card was maxed out
You guys are just upset that you aren't eligible for entry into the 'Infinity Clan'. Your life must suck and your penis must be infinitely small to be considered... bwuahahhaha
keep enjoying the game. u dont need a clan by the way. enjoy.
Play another game, or make one better and get more people to play that one than play this one.. other than that, if you complain - eat a dick
hey fuckoz.like talking shit,but hide behind an anon tag...well this is Zauhzan of the infinity clan,and i am not that hard ta find u noobfagfukz,hell my mudkip makes sense,compared to this dribble,which.imo sense,makes none ...just hope the rest of my /b/rothers dont read this..hellz zynga openly admits its the clans that make the game...oh,and when i am done with ya,you will need the report abusive behaviour button,and pray zynga shows you mercy,because Infinity does not forget...Infinity does not forgive
signed [~µ] Zauhzan the Consig [§]
All you anonymous commenters are cowards and lamers. The problem is Zynga and the people who bow their heads in ignorance and tolerate greedy corrupt corporations and their meglomaniac CEO's.
It is amazing to see the sheeple so confident as they bleet the echoes of ignorance all the way to the slaughter house. applause to all who stood and answered the call.
clans = mindless losers
hi, so sorry but infinity is a new clan Vinnie not more in infinity, now I´m the godmother and infinity change ty. [≈µ]KittyBloods.●´.[☆]
lol this is 2 years old june 24th you wasnt in there at that time so this dont include u
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