Now lots of players can enter Bangkok.. either they are chosen ones, using passport glitch or have 3 choices on how to enter Bangkok!
Some of us has the ability to get new passports as loot drops from doing jobs and can collect lots of passports!
I'm not saying 3 or 5 or 10.. but 100 passports!This mafia fellow has all 100 passports but has given away lots of them and now only has 25 passports remaining to share. Please look at below screenshot :
That's nice! And he's a nice person too..

I know that still lots of you trading for this passport and joining some groups (some of the groups are fake) to get one. But please don't get to itchy! Because you can always see the clerk and try your luck to get it for free..
Enjoy Bangkok everyone!
PS : Thanks a lot, Larry! You're such a big help for me..
Enjoy Bangkok everyone!
PS : Thanks a lot, Larry! You're such a big help for me..

OMG he got loads of passports lol
boss of mafia have way too much time on your hands...are you bored because you d*ck is chaffed from wacking off too much, and therefore you can't pleasure yourself you silly little pubescent child?
anyhoo...everyone in my mafia has one now...I was one of the last to receive and now I want to return the favor to someone else and can't find anyone to give it to.
i have like 10 passports, add me if u still need it...
I got my passport on only 2nd try with the clerk.
new item : anaconda - weapon - 42 atk 23 def
also there is no more gift safehouse in my account =(
[only frowning because i cant get my free exp bonus}
hey mafias .. my giftsafe house is gone
is it bug or did they change the game ?
I have spare Bangkok Beta Thai Passports, if u need it can cantact me. I'm aadhunik jaspal singh sutdhar yo6, daily player at Level 465+
i have 3 passports that i would like to share free of charge look me up on facebook my name is paul mclurvin
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