New Bangkok Gifts: Send some new limited edition gifts to your mafia to help them out in Bangkok. Be sure to check back next week for more great updates to Bangkok.Send free gifts.
We have discussed about these free-gifts about Bangkok.. Envelope of Thai Baht & also Blades Tonfas.. But lately, we can see messages everytime we're at Home page that we've received some gifts from our mafias.. and when we click on it, we can see there are lots of gifts, including free-gifts!
Somehow, that free-gifts appear on our game like this screenshot :If we see on Bangkok Home page, we can not see the Envelopes! Where are they?
Actually, we do accept the gifts on our FaceBook request page.. we just need to accept them all first before we can have them on the game..
I don't know what happen with FaceBook versus the game.. I hope this is only temporary bug because it's kinda annoying! 
PS : Thanks to CM for reminding me about this bug!

PS : Thanks to CM for reminding me about this bug!
piss off u ass wipe
Boss of Mafia Wars please come round my house so I can kick the shit out of you
we can see the messages because soon we wont have to click accept in facebook, it will all be don in mafia wars, this is mostly do to the face that facebook is getting irritated at mafia wars for the massive amounts of requests going back and forth
Thanks for the info MW Maniac! You're the best! Stay sweet. :)
i love this blog! bener2 bagus!!
Thanks all for your kind supports ^_^
Makasih banyak ^^y
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