One more achievement to obtain based on Valentine's Day event : LOVE HURTS!
"Get the "Love Hurts" achievement by mastering the featured job and completing the special collection."
So,we can not earn it by only vaulting the collection but also from mastering the Valentine's Day Massacre job.
Please be hurry, because we have time only until it ends on Feb 16th!

Happy hunting then!
PS : Credit goes to Larry!
Please be hurry, because we have time only until it ends on Feb 16th!
I wonder why they have to make this achievement? What if you just start to play on Feb 17th or late? So you'll never get the achievement or have to wait until next year???
I wonder... 
Happy hunting then!

PS : Credit goes to Larry!
I have same problem with achievements that consider selling mega casinos and owning apartment. The problem is that when i started playing i got the rackets and now i read somewhere that going over to new system you cant sell no more. Any ideas how to get the achievements since I would really wont to get all achievements :)
am i the only one that has done both and didnt get the ach?
Got it ;)
As a racketeer, who lose out on the Slum Lord and Cashing Out achievements, I think it is the same idea here. You get NOTHING if you start playing after Valentine's. Not much of an achievement if you can't achieve it later IMO.
Need Stolen Heart to complete this achievement.. I have excess Shoot the Moon and Heart Locket, anyone? Post your details here and i'll add your FB and MW..
there are tons of things where you can't get when you join the game too late. bloody mop is one of it. (and those limited edition job items)
A bit off topic, but does anyone knows what do you get for getting the love meter to -100%?
Any information on the Love Hurts award that after you receive it I noticed a German Shepard dog had appeared in the box and then it said to make a choice of one of three jobs again just like the one for the Love Hurts job. To me it looks like I would be doing the same thing over again. I will post if anything is different.
Love meter to 100% = Cupid
I mastered the valentine's day job and a few days later got the collection they didnt give to me the achievment it sucks
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