Ok, so we have notification from our Home tab.. It is using flash so make sure you have the updated version of flash software..
You have a gift waiting from your best mafia, click on the button to open it..
The short flash will play counting down from 3 to 1 and voila! You got your gift..
So far this is all I know about the Mystery Bag content items :
- Chinese New Year Collection (random)
- 10% discount on Godfather points purchase
- Night Vision Goggles
- 1 Godfather point
- LE Huey
- Konstantin Cargo Carrier
- 10 free skill points
- New York Collection Items (Onyx Cuff-links, Gold Cigar, etc)
- Boost (Injunction, etc)
- Mr. Pinchy (new gift item)
- New York consumables (UCP, etc)
- 5 items from your wishlist (so make sure you have valuable items there!)
I would love if you share me the gifts of Chinese New Year Collection items.. since nobody can have them so far.. I bet they are hard to find..
PS : Thanks Aaron and Chris for the screenshots and infos..

new year collection vault bonus - 7 defence points
I am wondering if you can get lotto items in that bonus for items on your wishlist.. in hopes that you can, I am only wishlisting lotto items :P
i was getting ready to ask and am wondering about the same thing cyx
Wont work for me, I just get a "success" message and no items? With 4000 mafia I have many of them, none of which work :(
there is aloooooooooooot of glitchessssssssssssssss
gw dapet 2 huey.. mayan:) sisanya barang biasa'' ajah:)
i was wondering the same as 'cyx'
does the 5 items work with lotto items as this would be a great opportunity to finally vault this collection.
lotto i think no, i put all loto item and did not get any, the moment i put lotto+ lloyd - i got lloyds
I don't think so. It says "loot items" on your wishlist. However, lotto pieces are collection items.
But of course I hope that someone will proof me wrong. Would be cool to finally have somthing to trade for those hard to get lotto stuff....
How did you put Tanto on your wishlist??? Please, anybody tell me :)
Anybody found lotto item so far, quickly respond as a comment below. tia. I got three Huey in a row :)
I have a problem...mine said you got 1 godfather point but my current stack remains the same. This keeps me from opening the rest of my mystery bags. Does this happen to everyone as well?
5 items from wishlist: more exactly, I always get 5 of the FIRST item in my wishlist.
when i got 5 items in my wishlist, they're always the FIRST item!
i guess no one got it yet bt i have wheel to trade if anyone interested ???
add me and we'll have trade bt i need real traders fanks
They are giving also 1 collection item in your whishlist (it doesn't need to be from New York).. I received an Ekaterina's Doll...
Just a question... They are not giving daily chance's itens, but are they giving money laundering itens??
hi, i see that i'm not the only one who can't open the mystery bags & i'm having other tech problems too...:)
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