Lately I have lots of spammers on my blog comments.. so I have to moderate all the incoming comments before I publish them.
And today I found this one from "Anonymous".. please be kind to read the comment :
(Click on the image to enlarge)
I know that selling account is not allowed, but I have 2 kids and have to find a way to earn money from home. And also because I can! This is my blog, I have right to do things that I want...
Don't like me? Hate me? Stop visiting my blog! (so sorry for being rude)
Don't like me? Hate me? Stop visiting my blog! (so sorry for being rude)
And about stealing contents, I put the source from the site I found the contents. And most of the screenshots are from you (the readers of my blog), from my own experiences of the game, from Mafia Wars Wiki and again I'll put the source if I took it from one site.
Lots of you has reported to me about other sites that are stealing my contents. Those site even edit my screenshots although I have tried to put my blog link on the images. Some of my best friends have tried to help me finding the scripts, so no one will be able to copy-paste my blog contents anymore.. I'm sure I'll find the way soon!
Stealing my contents and make a new blog to get advantages from the ads is hurting me.. but accusing me to steal is even worst!
Anybody (advanced users) know how to protect my blog from right-clicking or from copy-cats? Please kindly send your advises to my email :
Thank you very much!

I didn't see my comment post so i'll write it again.
Kudos to whomever wrote that truthful message about you stealing from other sites. I only visit to see the latest info you stole and try to claim as your own. Having kids isn't a excuse. You can walk, talk, type, read and write. You have no trouble playing mafia wars and searching online. Meaning you can work a job. You're too lazy to better yourself. You want the easy way in life.
Wow that is one huge L0ser
Yes, Ben.. you can walk... and don't come back.. bye!
I am appalled at the above posts. What hateful, rude people! I've noticed that you've ALWAYS given credit to your sources. Yours in the only blog that I subscribe to because I know that you get the latest news and compile the most useful MW content from the internet. I appreciate the time and effort you have taken to get your readers the most up-to-date information from all sources.
Thank you for a job well done!
Laura M.
an avid Mafia Wars Maniac reader
hey maniac don't even respond to them losers.
I come to this site all the time to get the latest on mw.. just keep doing what ur doing :)
Such an looser....
If you hate this blog plzz get lost from here...
No one is interested in your stupid comments...
This is her blog and she has complete right to do anything she wants and you have no right to tell what she should do and not ....
Got it You @3$$%#@*@#$
Maybe ben wrote that message
anonymous no.1 : hey stop saying bad things about her ( mw maniac ) her blog helped me become strong I was only lvl 50 but sill didnt know anything about the game but her blog helped me through the game and now I am strong I know alot now about the game and rite now I am on lvl 365.
Ben ur blog is a copy & paste without credits to whom u stole it..
You're too jealous to better yourself. You alone want the easy way in life.
the writer in the image is Ben who is a punk a$$
you go ade!i support you!
if you dont like her blog,please dont visit and be a retard..she's just trying to make a living guys..please have respect.
she is helping mafia wars players,and not just to take advantages.please have respect for other people.
as long as u include the reference and not admit it come from yours. i think there is nothing u you do some citation.just ignore him.tone of people still support u!!
they are just jealous your blog is popular and i agree, its your OWN blog. you can sell ANYTHING HERE.
That's really too bad that people have nothing better to do than to try and ruin other's lives. I am convinced that people like Ben feel much better about themselves after trying to make other's look like crap. I don't care how you do it Ade, but your site is the best I've found around. I'm a lvl 868 and without your clean, up-to-date site, I would not have so much fun with the game. Keep up the good work!! My mafia I.D: facebook profile:
i love this blog , i always support you ade , this blog very helpful in playing mafia wars , never mind the words of others who do not like
I think it's great that you are making in living in part or in full by hosting a blog. Also if you want to sell a profile while you're at it, then why not?
I am self employed and have a young son as well so I can relate to what you are trying to do.
And I've come to realize that the net has allowed people with viewpoints that are so far out there to make comments and totally sway the conversation and attention towards them.
Keep up the great work!
BTW if anyone wants to join my mafia, I'm a lvl 405 player with a mafia of 1400.!/shanecashin
yo ben..
I am one of the thousands of readers who visit her blog regularly.. itz content are organised and you get get information here that u wont get on mafia war wiki.. plus her way of writing is nice.. I enjoy reading them.. and I am one of those fans who recently started to email her informations so that she can be 1 of the first to post them and spread them, she is not selling an account but charging for the time, xp, energy, and knowledge put on them, the person taking it always change all sort of personal information and transfer it as his completely.. anyway I guess u dont have anything else to do and so is after her.. well I may not feel the pain of a loser like you, but its ok, now go get a life, dont come back again complaining like an immature kid..
I know Ade hasn't stole anything from other sites, I have multiple emails between her and me with alot of screenshots that I took, emailed to her with info about glitches etc. It pops up on here and then all of a sudden it goes round all the other copycat sites! I personally leave some rude messages on the sites lol. Ignore the sad ****!
to the guy or women who wrote this to her...
DONT CRY!!!!!!!!!!!!! only because she got an famous forum doesnt it mean you have to be RUDE!! You just an idiot who is so JEALOUS not to have an blog like this.... amd that you are GETTING NOTHING from your mates! you just an big IDIOT!
Keep up the good work =) and keep this blog alive :)
I Thing too that is one huge L0ser
I love yur blog it really help me out with Mw's...whether it's the rollback issue, glitches or best loot weapons i look to u for info...u always give credit on where u receive yur glitches or inside info on the game obviously that guy is a F-ng douchebag who dont know $#!t
P.S. i find it very sexXxy u hustle to make money to take care of yur 2 angels god bless u honey...yur sexy
=0) Sol BadGuy
I personally have nothing against this blog. It has helped me much and I really find it useful.
Selling accounts isn't wrong, but I think that person who pays for a free game is damn stupid. 650 bucks for an account is total waste of money, I don't understand people who are willing to pay for shyt like that. You have to start your own account and make your way up. But really, as I said, I don't have anything against selling accounts. There is still some holehead people who are actually willing to pay hellish amounts of money to get a good account.
That's it, Threnody has speaken.
I love yur blog it really help me out with Mw's...whether it's the rollback issue, glitches or best loot weapons i look to u for info...u always give credit on where u receive yur glitches or inside info on the game obviously that guy is a F-ng douchebag who dont know $#!t
P.S. i find it very sexXxy u hustle to make money to take care of yur 2 angels god bless u honey...yur sexy
=0) Sol BadGuy
easy guys, they are afraid right now hahaha... where is Ben & that f**ckin writer now? show up you morons.. the both of them are gays
mafia wars maniac dont listen to the first guy your blog is the best and everybody who reads it like me knows it you always credit people for helping even if you got the info from another site like i notice you do most times with the crates
this is the only blog for mafia wars that i use and even though zynga might not like you making money from there game like this that should not stop you as it is something that helps us you like to do makes you money and it is all about the game that we all love to play at the end of the day
by the way i used to have a web site that i dont work on any more as it got hacked into and i used to have a script that HTML script that stopped them from taking my pictures if you are interested in it please contact me
i will see if i can find another one to stop them taking text rather than picturs for you
also this email address is not for the use of everybody who reads this comment please?????
also funny you should mention this info nicking subject as the other day i found a facebook group nicking your info and claiming it to be there own i will see if i can get a hold of the link again for you and try and get them blocked from facebook as well for you
Thank you, my friends (Laura, Z3us, Amadeo, Rashed, Stu, Trenody, BadGuy, Paul, etc)
Glad to see that I have my loyal readers here standing for me.. Very much appreciate it ^_^
@Paul : email sent, thanks :)
Gotta sleep now.. bye all! ^_^
Hi Ade - I actually come to your blog to get info. You take the time to search the info, compile it and then post it. I sure don't want to go to 10 different sites everyday for info if I can just come here in 1/3 of the time. Your blog is a one stop shop - like Wal-mart. LOL. So I thank you.
Also, check on this webpage:
I don't know if there's anything useful that you haven't already tried, but maybe.
Right away! 6644 (97%) I mean this nummber tells all about this blog and how visited it is :)
Ade dont worry you got always people who are embarising of them self and wont to do the same with others who had achive something ( in this case you in MW with your blog )
So dont worry about one peace in the masses of people
U are King Ade, without your blog i could be without many baht, u are really ncie person too
I will say - Fuck him... (not sorry for being rude). Blog is great, and I love this place for ability to find what I need, whenever I need!
If you want to block right-clicking check this links:
this should work fine.
this Anonymous Ben is a jackass, just ignore him.
I like your blog.
this is by far the best mafia wars blog ever.
don't listen to them, ade, you have the right to do whatever you want with your blog
-Noveno colono-
This is proof yet again that the internet is a place where cowards can feel like they have a pair. Calling Ben and that other guy gay is an insult to gays. I prefer to call them whiny a$$ b!tches.
As most of you have already pointed out, this is Ade's blog. What she does here is her business. Personally, I have found it an excellent source for MW and it saves me the trouble of sorting through hundreds of other sites to find information not nearly as organized or complete or TIMELY! I love the constant updates and I know I will never miss a thing as long as I check in.
You rock, Ade. Plus you're a sweetheart to boot. So you just keep right on doing what you're doing. <3
Wow. Some ppl just have their heads shoved so far up their own asses. I mean, this person couldn't even type in English correctly! They were using "1" and not including punctuation or capitalization! WTF is wrong with them?!
Also, it's fine to use info from other sources as long as your credit them (which you do). Fans like myself have your blog on RSS b/c you DELIVER the info! I don't want to have to Google to find the info when I can just come to a source I know will have it in a timely manner. And, you have cute emotes. haha
PS. Mrs. Maniac, even if you find a script to prevent the Right-click + copy (which is possible), advanced users can still take screen caps. :( I'm sorry but, there is no way to prevent images posted on the internet from being stolen.
You have my support. :)
well i got here a bit late as usual, but putting in my 2 cents anyway... ben's a loser. he's got nothing good to add and feels that others should suck like he does.
i personally send any possible glitches and other interesting mafia stuff to ade's mailbox, and have always been given credit for helping. ade is not only good mafia but a great friend and mother too.
lol, i will make sure to attack any ben's i find on my fightlist in hopes of catching up with this guy
As long as you know what you are doing is right, you should be fine.
I'm a big fan of your blog. Dont' normally post but just want to show my sincere support.
MW fan/player
i like your blog alot and don mind you selling account coz " there are buyer so it not your problem"..... the only thing i dislike in your blog is the use of script.
Cheers up ;)
i like your blog. thanks for making it. don't let people bother you.
I dont understand why the hatred and ade you shouldnt take it personally.. this blog is the best blog. I have started from level 1 and reached to level 265 within a month thanks to this blog.. "anonymous" you clearly have some issues with yourself calling other people names and accusing them of stealing "treat others how you art be treated and judge not for you shall be judged".. Ade clearly you`ve put alot of effort into this blog and we as readers do appreciate your time and effort.. thank you..
Hey that's what i call a perfect looser. Just don't talk about the posts like this users. He probably is jealous as you are doing a great work. Keep it up! and please don't listen to these Hippocrates... In our country there is a saying that if people start talking about u, U are definitely better than them and progressing very fast. So please don't pay attention to them. Are they even worth to talk about? Please remove this post...Otherwise he will be happy to see you loosing....They dont belong to be discussed.
your blog is awesome, keep updating it, thanks
btw, i can enable the context menu ;)
Hi ade , i'm also on your side and the guy who sent you this should just get the hell out of your blog , also could u plz add me ?
actually it's very simple..if you don't like bout the site then do not enter it..
anyway, haven't see any ben post anymore..where are you ben?..i believe there's a lot of people still want to hear about your "answer" for them..:D
ps: thanks for the info bout properties yesterday/makasih buat petunjuknya soal properties kemaren ya bu..;)
Clearly Ben has a competing blog and is trolling.
Ade, your blog is a fantastic, free resource of info, that I read daily. It helps me squeeze some extra juice out of a game I really enjoy playing.
Ben - Nobody likes you, buy some proactive, lose weight, get a hair cut, get a job and ...
What is that guy on about? He obviously doesn't have his facts straight, you would be able to sell accounts as long as you have the account holders peermission. Keep it up Ade you are right, they are wrong don't listen to them.
love this blog :) and i appreciate the content here :)) bin a great of great use....
MWM.... \m/ you rock \m/
before even i open my fb page i open this to see what's the latest happening around the mafia world :)
critics are always ter... but wat the heck... you got AWESOME FANS :))...
well, this guy is actualy right. there are plently of better mafia wars blogs or websites BUT i still love this blog. i am lazy to check out other mafia wars websites and this one is already kinda good. i dont actualy care if its paste n pasted. its funny to check out new updates of mafia wars here. this blog helped me a lot in things like bugs, etc. i wouldnt have found spockholms bookmark tools if i didnt found this blog.
I visit this blog everyday even few times a day I'm addicted ! and maniac gives alot credits to everyone. So haters please stfu and go do something else...
MW Maniac,
You don't have to apologize or give explanations to anyone. Selling accounts is NOT illegal, you're not going to jail for it; it's just against the Facebook/Zynga Terms of Use (ToS). And seeing how ToS works for punishing sellers who do no harm yet protects scammers who do lots of harm....screw the ToS I say
Keep up the good work
Hello ade.. i just wanted to post this maybe it may help..
Copyright The Content: The most important step is to copyright the content of your blog or website and this is pretty easy to do. Creative Commons ( is a non-profit organization which let authors, developers, artists, publishers and educators to copyright their contnent and link to a detailed copyright page that can be used in the legal proceedings. To know more about this free service you can visit their official website or vist the FAQ’s page where you will get answers to most common questions.
this website explains what you can do if ur content is stolen and you can possibly find out who has stolen it..
Once again Ur blog is awesome..
lol yea let only the i love this blog posts go thru, your so full of fucking shit its not even funny, you dont find any of this shit on your own, the ss come from other people and yet you copmplain about people stealing shit when you do the same thing, fuck off you 3rd world country pos
MWM dont listen to the trash that is coming out of bens mouth your site is the best and we would all be a whole lot worse of with out this blog
i for one would not even be playing this game any more with out this site - all the glitch i would just think zynga dont care about my game but knowing it aint just me makes me also know they will fix it eventually so i am still on here
thanks for everything MWM your the best
This blog is cool and gives credit when its due. I visit it first before I play to see what up today. The trash talkers can just go away and and find somewhere else to play.
We need no hate nor anger here, so why not post your profile link for us to show you some real fear.
Peace out.. Keep up the good work. :)
I like your site and I visit everyday.
There are always going to be people jealous of another's success.
Unethical "Black Hat" techniques are to post hateful comments about your site to try to ruin your credibility with google and lower your SEO rankings.
Don't change a thing! Your site has too much quality data and traffic to be affected by haters like anonymous.
Tell that wuss to email you the link to the site instead of trying to have people search Google to find other sites to compare your info to...guarantee this hoser is trying to have people find his spam mafia cheats book.
Here one of the sites that always copies this site (and sometimes others):
As you notice, they, don't give credit to other sites (like MW wiki). You can compare and see the difference in the post!
On top of that, they try to sell creepie shit to you on the site, etc...
Wouldn't be surprised if they (and other sites like them) are the people accusing you of stealing and in that way are trying to get people to go to their page...or am I being to suspisius now ;-)
Anyways, I get and have gotten lots of good info from this site, and I'm sure I'll continue to do so in the future. Thanx a lot and keep up the good work!!!
how very wrong! i know you didn't copy from other site because u posted earlier then them. and very detail too. how untrue! from your posts u can clearly tell that the author has strong link with MW Fans. credits were given whenever needed.
Walk if you think otherwise!!!!!
MWM keep up the good work!!!! :)
Grrr.. i standing behind u Ade..
ready for battle anytime.. (eventhou i low lvl)
i die hard fans of ur blog..
That guy just jealous of ur blog..
keep the good work..
i appreciate all u did..
is there a negative, there a also positive..
so, focus on positive.. :)
Hi, about protecting your blog, there's no way to stop advanced users... There are scripts that can block right click, or stuff, but there's always a work around. Also, nothing can stop "Print Screen" button. As "advanced" user, I must tell you that I'm the one that always bypasses silly scripts that try to stop me.
Hey Ben!! DOn't forget to post your mafia war profile link here so I can HIT LIST your sorry ass like you wouldn't believe and make you wanna quit the game for good.... BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA
We love your site Ade!! We look forward to reading it every time it's updated. Stay sweet!!
Don't give time or attention to the few who try to spoil the bunch! Best Wishes. :)
Saw the following footer at site
©2010 Top mafia secrets | Resources: topmafiadisabled, mafiawarsmaniac, mafiawarsstrategyguide | All Rights Reserved.
I love this site!!! by far the best, I have subscribed so i can get all the latest gossip :D
who's that FUCKING IDIOT?! don't come here to this site just to spoil our fun... we love this blog and we don't care bout your talks! go to hell
To all the people that think that this site is just copying from other sites . GO THERE THEN . see yah , what you doing here on this copying site .!!
i rate this site . keep up the good work !!!!!
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