This is all because of the Reward Points glitch.. please check on my previous posts about this issue..
If you didn't use the glitch but still you have the message telling that your account is reset back, you can complain to Zynga!
Please read their explanation on Zynga forum belom :
Please read their explanation on Zynga forum belom :
Nahhh, hurry up.. write to them.. save this link, please..
Good luck!

Source : Zynga Forum!
I tried the the code w/ the tagged players and never got rewards or anything and they rolled me back 11levels plus some loot and god knows what else...can't they tell who got the reward and who did not??? This is bs... I sure would like my stuff restored!!! it didn't even work 4 me!!!
I'd really like all my stuff back, too. As well as all the robbing wins and experience I gained.
All anyone did was use a code MAFIA WARS provided.
its not only the reward points, the 501 stuff glitch 2. Some of the peeps lost all katars, ninjas,mugatis ec.
used it on a loot account and got the glitch and they rolled that account back as well as rolling my main account back and it was not used on that account. lost a bunch of high end loot and not sure what else, i am not impressed with the staff at zynga since my gifting is messed up again also. I WANT MY LOOT RETURNED!!!!
it's not an ERROR... MW/ZYNGA itself are the one usually cheating on their followers... It's NOT OUR FAULT, they are the reason this things happening. If they are really concern to their followers this things will not happen right, they keep on saying "they're doing everything to give US the best of service" but it seems they just use to say all that bunch of crap. Almost in a week there is a problem, nice job ZYNGA... Bravo!!!!
Funny, they ask you to admit trying it, but failing. If you tried to kill someone but failed, it's called attempted murder and it's still a crime, lol. Anyhow, i used it, got caught and paid the price. but do they have to scold us like little kids? MW is just a game people play for free, and getting all holier-than-thou about it is stupid. It's not like Zynga capped any leaking oilwells, just a stupid game.
Zynga is full of a** holes.. They should roll back Bangkok too so everyone who took advantage of Baht glitch can now play fair with others who did not.
Do you HEAR ME, ZYNGA????
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