Some of you don't like the idea to install Mafia Wars Toolbar on your browser. Me too! But I want the special item you got by installing it..
Well, there is a way to get the "Utility Belt" without you have to install the toolbar. 

Use this link :
Note : link edited, thanks for "anynomous" for the help!
Replace the xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx with your secret key. Secret key is cookies that you can gain on Spockholm MafiaGift bookmarklet.
I'll guide you step by step on this.How to Get "Utiliy Belt"
Visit this site :
http://www.spockholm.com/mafia/ or for expert user, you can go to your gifting page and click on MafiaGift bookmarklet.
You'll arrive on this page :
Enter your ID on : "Receiver in your mafia (from cookie)" or in other word, replace the number "1234567890" with your own ID.
Then simply click on "Generate Links" button. Voila!!! You'll have your Secret Key... 
Now, put your Secret Key at the end of the link above. Here is the result :
Try it, people.. grab it for free!

PS : Credit goes to BossyJane!
Stats kinda suck (30 and 30), but hey.. it's a free special item (I guess.)
not working :(
bah.. mallfunction..
It works! Hahahahaha .....
I were still pondering whether or not to install the toolbar just for the sake of a FREE special item, though I'm very much unwilling to install it.
Thanks for sharing!
I got the free gift page on the first try. On the second try, I added &skip_interstitial=1 to the link i.e.
and got the belt. Thanks!
The Godfather has given you this special Limited Edition item for installing the Mafia Wars toolbar!
And thanks, Godfather =)
where can you find this cookie or ID to add to the link???
you can find your ID by going to your Facebook Profile page - look at the address bar and you should see your ID at the end "....id=xxxxxxx", that's what you need to generate the cookie by following the steps above.
i tried mine on the website above but it wasn't working, i tried again on the bookmarklet and it worked.
not working:( home is displayed with no msg and no item :(
ok it worked nvm :)
worked for me ty :))
delete the cookies and do it again, if it doesn't work.
Cool it worked! Thankx
So I tried adding in my ID on that website and I'm not getting a special key. It just reloads the page and shows my ID in the first box but nothing in the second. Any help please?
Thx 4 sharing this :D
I cannot get my secret key....
if you guys have mozilla firefox just download the thing and then uninstall it after you got the utility belt.
hahaha i tried the anonymous trick of adding the *&skip_interstitial=1* and voila! thanx mate,
where do you find ur secret code
do you know codes for more items?
i can not get the secret key
i put in the my ID and press "generate links" and not nothing appears in the second box
is there a similar way to get the iphone reward and the mailing list reward?
for id you can obtain from ur photos link
just right click on the bookmarklet spockholm mafiagift and add bookmark, and then go to your mafia gift page, in mafia gift page, click your bookmark (mafia gift) and u got ur secret code
it worked! thanks a lot :)
Thank You it worked :D
can you get it more than 1 time (cause i already have it)??
got ID and secret key and inserted in link above and still didn't get the item :*( it just goes to mafia wars home page. maybe they fixed this loophole?
genius yes worked and thanks!
Thank you... got it! First try!
it works :) you need to use ur common sense and a little bit of brain :D
Not working! Please help!
Works. Thanks.
worked for me thanks very much ;)
Was there anything like this for the "phone bomb"?
It WORKS!!!! Thanks a lot for sharing... hahaha a limited item on my account :D
it worked thanks
Tried everything suggested above but not working for me.
Question? what browser, what page should I be on when entering link, what page will I be on if succesful.
not working!
tried everything not working
Doesn't work . I followed the steps, but at the Gifting page when I clicked on Bookmark 'Mafia Gift' nothing happens . Help plz .
Not working!
Hi Mafia Wars Maniac! The anonymous with the skip_interstitial again. lol
Here is the new link to get the toolbar in iFrame:
Maybe I should register here. =)
Just correcting the previous link.
so, now we have the utility belt, how does one use it? I understand it allows one to use the energy pack several times (instead of once) within a 24 hour period.
But how does one actualaly apply it, or will it just work on its own?
Also, how long can one expect this to remain available and functional?
Your minibuff timer starts after you installed the toolbar. Every 8 hours starting from the time you installed or if you used the link above, mimicked installing the toolbar, you can get the minibuff by using this link or the link above if you still have the gift key. I suggest bookmarking either link for ease of use. The link below is the same except some unnecessary parameters has been omitted.
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