New limited time offers this week :

Look nice, but the stats is poor compared with Executive Overcoat.. (you can see that stats of it from your right side bar..) I believe it's an armor, right? Don't you think so?
Don't wanna buy it to waste my GodFather points..So it's confirmed as an ARMOR! Thank you to my best mafia for the info. Thank you, Chris! 

And once again it's one of the Loot Suggestion Contest! See all the list of the loots here. It's a bit surprise for me that they use the suggestion loots as limited edition loots purchased with 25 reward points. Usually it's required 2 mafias and $10.000 to buy it.
Well anyway, buy this helmet if you want to.. safe trip!

one guy that i fought had it. its an armour
I buy all nice items :)
Is the stat point bonus per job level mastery in effect now?
do we have any links to get dat helmet thing??????
Only fools buy items...
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