I got these wishlist images from my mafias (can not mention the accounts here to protect the innocents). No, this is not the product of computer editing..
I don't know how to put them all on your wishlist.. but I have noticed that a few weeks ago you could put any item(s) on your wishlist.
And this image above also happened few weeks ago when Cuba was launched. A friend of mine got surprise when he logged in to the game and find that he had lots of those mastery items on the wishlist!
Call this bug, error, glitch.. any name you want it! Apparently this all has been fixed now. Or perhaps you can show me any other weird wishlist? Will post more if you can provide me the link..

Sis Ade..
Gimana caranya bisa punya che's beret sebanyak 202 ? Itukan loot yang tidak bisa di transfer ke orang lain ? Juga avispa & Cocodrilo ?
Itu pas ada error aja, bro :) Waktu dah fixed, itemnya lsg berubah jadi 1 lagi kok hehe..
clear your browser cache
i think it's a photoshop (or other graphics program) trick, because the icons (item's pictures) are square and the text (202x) can't be just under the che's beret... the texts are aligned, except that the upper line (name of item) is 2 lines long, the picture and lower text can be 1 line down...
No, this is true taken from the wishlist...
I think you just have to get more mafia members and see lots of kind wishlist ^_*
where do you get the golden throne from?
How do u get the golden throne..
Newyork Jobs
Boss (lvl 100+)
You have mastered all of the level 3 "Boss" jobs earning the title of "Master Boss"
A golden throne has been added to your inventory, giving you 2x the enrgy regenrated per regen period
It's very easy to do it. we did this since long time ago. it similar to loot id
Similar, but what the feck are the numbers...? That's the question!
I have seen the middle one for myself it is one of the [LCN] guys so i sent him a message about it and he says that you just go to inventory loot and click add to wishlist like always - dont know about you but i think that zynga are at last starting to beta test limited edtion loot trade with a very very select few members of mafia wars
Add me Nick12506@HotMail.Com & i'll tell you how to do this, it's simple but I don't want to give it out to anyone but since you r kick ass i'll tell you.
http://mwfb.zynga.com/mwfb/remote/html_server.php?xw_controller=stats&xw_action=view&xw_city=3&tmp=11faa1701e9dee021b9155ff08f122f7&user=739138985 - check it!
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