Now GodFather release new limited time offer.. here is the pic :
Hmmm.. funny ambulance! I guess Zynga team still in Halloween mood when they create this vehicle.
You need 2 mafia members to buy 1 of this vehicle. Just buy one to make your profile looks good! Or do not buy at all.. as your friend will award you anyway when you help them in a war and if they win 

Have fun, guys!
This idea was a submission by a winner of that Twitter loot contest they held a couple weeks ago. I thought those were gonna be items that you purchase from the godfather...but apparently they are special loots for all....lacking power
Weekly Sale!
Type 100 SMG
30 Attack
10 Defense
Time left: 3 days 10 hrs
7 reward points
(72% off!)
wow. this item is a bargain compared to others, except you don't really need it.
has anyone else's attack scripts stopped working?
yeap. mine doesn't work already
Hmm, you're right! It's from the winner of Twitter contest.. thanks for reminding me ^_^
I guess Zynga do "lil magic" on their program.. so most of scripts is not working at the moment. Just wait and see :)
But Zynga taked all my Whaambulance!s away
Mine are also gone! Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! :(
whaamnulances have all vanished overnight
where's my whaambulance?? give it back zynga!!!
Ya friends Ma whaaambulance s gone toooooo!!! :(
Idem, all of mine jave vanished, but the minimum value to get them is the same, I can't buy anything else (need xxx mafia members).
BALLS! I had 22 of these f**king things and they're gone.
woi kmana ambulan tu? udah kw kasi, kw mintak lagi, TOT !!!!!!!!!
It's back everybody.. chill :D
i think they went away with the roll back in the server when they tried to make the game faster but everybody started to have problems with it - there is a note up in the game updates section at the top of it
waiting for the steel chair!
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