What happens here is on the Mafia Wars home page, where the limited edition item is, there is a link that says "Loot Shipment". Click this and a link will be posted on your homepage for your mafia family and friends to loot. The more people loot, the better. Once they've looted, the "Loot Shipment" button will be replaced with a "Collect Your Take" button. Click this, and you will get your item.
Example. If 4 members loot your shipment, you get 4 of the item.
Another way of getting this item is to go to FIGHT > DECLARE WAR. War some player who doesn't play much for an easy victory. Once you've won, there is a button that will say reward your friends (if any of your friends have participated). If you click this, YOU and your friends will receive one of the item.

PS : Credit goes to Mafia Wars Wiki!
But sadly, some players don't have this "Loot Shipment" button.. they only have the link to send more invites to their mafia.. I try to search for the link for loot their shipment, but nothing seems to work now.. So sorry, guys..
The best you can do now is help your friend on their shipment or help your friend on a war. Good luck! 
PS : Credit goes to Mafia Wars Wiki!

When i click "Loot Shipment" nothing happen..the popup window not show..grrrrrrrrrrrr
thats soo cool!
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