I got this info from Adriano.. he's at level 142 when he sent me this screenshot. He found that the game layout is changing!
It's the same feature as Mafia Favors some time ago or perhaps the expansion.. See here : Mafia Favors.
For more details of this new layout, please see these screenshot below..
We can see that the left box is for jobs.. and the right one is for the Game news feed.
No, it's not only for the Rackets players since he doesn't have Rackets. (I mean some of my mafia who has Rackets also have this new layout, but not all). So, it's random... only for chosen players..
The layout also appear on every cities.. Even if he's in Cuba or Moscow.. the layout box still appear! And the jobs appear there so far only New York jobs..
And if you have enough energy you can click on "Do Job" and "Next Job" button will appear (somehow the game will find you random job which suit your current energy amount). Thanks for the info, Monica.
Also got new screenshots from my friend Thi Thi :
And if you have enough energy you can click on "Do Job" and "Next Job" button will appear (somehow the game will find you random job which suit your current energy amount). Thanks for the info, Monica.
Also got new screenshots from my friend Thi Thi :
I don't know if this layout will be applied to all players or not.. guess we only can wait..
Will try to update as soon as I have more info about this layout. Thank you, Adriano, Thi Thi & Monica! 

nothing happened to mine...
do you know the energy bost bug from a phew weeks ago? as i used this bug i had this skin sometimes ... i though WTF? the skin was just sometimes at the fight.
nothing's change..
I got that layout, and i tell you, it SUCK!
I have it and it totally sucks!
i got cuba jobs
i agree it sucks..
why it sucks:
1. if you don't hide the notification, it's always there cluttering thing up (i really don't need to see the dozens of 'Your mafia took out your target!' notice accumulated over days);
2. the first notice is 'You have gifts available to send' which you can't hide. so every time you hide the second or 3rd notice, it goes back to the default 1st notice. that sucks, so you can't even hide everything else without some clicking efforts;
3. it doesn't sync with the rest of the systems - if i read it over the old notification (facebook notifications, bottom left of browser), this new layout won't know of it. if i use the energy pack using the old way, the new layout still says i have an energy pack, clicking on it still says 'success', but i won't have any energy;
just sucks!
They tried a notification Flash window on my page for a while. You could see notifications by clicking next. It was a great way to find friends that needed help on jobs.
I can't find the Thai money envelopes people send me now that I have this layout! WTF?
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