Not a very powerful weapon.. so I don't wanna buy it.. 

They should stop giving us this low stats items.. really not worth it for 25 Reward Points.
If you wanna spend your GodFather points on limited time loot, make sure they are giving good stats.. The stats of the items must be greater than Moscow top loots now.. Otherwise it is useless 
Be wise on spending your Reward Points, my friends..

Be wise on spending your Reward Points, my friends..

Very useful site. just wondering, what do you think are the best strategies to adopt in preparation for a new territory?
Don't proceed too fast. Wait until someone else knows which faction gives what, etc. :D So you don't make the mistake yourself. Lol.
I will try to post as soon as we enter Bangkok. For now, I don't have any idea :(
with almost a month delay in the release of bangkok and so much glitches in the game i think zynga really sucks.. feels like quitting the game... :(
im goin for yakuza coz i hate chinese triad.. what ever loot i take i don't care lolz
^_^ just wait for the bangkok try to finish other jobs or help other mafia to finish their jobs ^_^
i have to energy accounts, so i'll choose both sides & then transfer all the good loot to my power account :D
smart idea :D
this site is very useful and even after playing this game for a long time sinse it first came out i have learnt alot and better tactics to achieve more hence i started off from scratch again on another account.. great blog :D
So dumb having this Rainy Day after the Haitian Relief Drum. The Drum has much much much higher stat for 25GF, plus the donation to help the victims in Haiti. This one is a gigantic failure!!!
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