There is a glitch on Bangkok.. If somebody posted a Boss Job help in Bangkok, help by click on "Claim Your Bonus" button.
You can click up to 25x or until you have the limit of helping friends in a day.
The post should be look like this..
This works for Boss Fight episode 1 and episode 2 so far..
You'll have this after claiming your bonus :
You received 6 experience points and B$1,000 for helping XXXXX
Keep clicking, guys!
And now for the person who publish the job!
After our mafias help us, some lucky players can get up to 10 Million Baht!
But you need lots of mafia to do 25x clicks of the claim bonus button.. the more mafia who do 25x clicks, the more Baht you'll earn.Also, my friend said that you have to be on another city after you publish this Boss help.. and after you think it's enough, you can go travel back to Bangkok to receive your XP and Baht. Only your mafias who can help you on the jobs, please remember that.
This hint works for some mafias and do not work for some unlucky ones..
For you who don't have a button to post your job help, I can only suggest to submit a ticket to the team. I have been trying for solutions, but none of the links I've found worked.. Apologize for unable to help further more..
Good luck, my friends..
PS : thank you to Lynn, Thi Thi, Thomas, Rajan, Pedro, and some others who really nice sharing this glitch to me.. Have a nice day, guys!
For you who don't have a button to post your job help, I can only suggest to submit a ticket to the team. I have been trying for solutions, but none of the links I've found worked.. Apologize for unable to help further more..

Good luck, my friends..
PS : thank you to Lynn, Thi Thi, Thomas, Rajan, Pedro, and some others who really nice sharing this glitch to me.. Have a nice day, guys!
I got information that I gained 2M cash.... but no money added to my bangkok bank account :S
wish there was a way... Bahts needed!
Sooo who can i help here getting some millions??
hmm, i have a question, after mastering the job tiers, will the faction jobs be locked like in moscow? eg. if i chose yakuza last den triad will be locked foreva
@fab: Zynga told us they will stay locked in Beta but they will find a solution for this in the final release
25 clicks is old it was there since the first day..
for the 10M baht..the max i got is 1M only..and sheeess..i manage to open all business and some upgrade..and for 10
This is not work for me.
I dont know why. T-T
fixed already. Just after you post this! haha.
It is not fixed, to me more then 15 people helped and they have clicked as many time they can.
I still did not get any bonus and there is still message that 10 people is needed
hey best question of the day:
HOW THE F_U_C_K DO YOU TRAVEL TO BANGKOK?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
get a ticket from thai airways
i also have not got the bonus, around 40 to 50 mafias have helped me, and already 30 hours have passed when i posted my boss job, still no bonus, no exp, no bahts, still same message that 10 people is needed.
plz help me on above comment, i had posted dis one day before also but still no reply, plz plz help me out on dis.
click 25x and get 25,000 baht!
Anonymous said...
get a ticket from thai airways
haha best fucking answer of the year lol
I got 2m yesterday, and today the message disappeared about 10 ppl helping and no exp, no money.. strange..
It seems Zynga fixed bonus with millions of B
that you can get on Boss fight Episode 1, Level 3
At least this is called BETA
Anonymous said...
get a ticket from thai airways
haha i like this answer lol
Hello again Ade
as always love your blog
Wow! Thanks a lot!!!
pss if you accept a envelope of thai baht and then refresh the page you will get 2 envelopes!
cough cough.. i said nothing zynga didn't read this
@ above: wow thank you very much for the info.. seems like a very new glitch
dang it, i think they just barely fixed it.
really? aww i shouldn't said that :/
T~T... i'll see if i can get it and post it here :)
lol ... its working hurry!! ;)
i just got 2322 exp points form moscow boss fight
is it glitch? i never got so much exp from any job helps before.. this is really cooool
hey guyz , have u noticed ? stream helper doesnt seem to work for me anymore!
Yea this has been going on since they opened bangkok and they pretty much fixed it at the same time you posted this. So way to tell us wayy late.
lol.i sell my house and car to buy godfather point to buy the baht XD
anyone heard anything yet on exact date of launch for those of us who don't have bangkok available to us???
Guys, I need B$. And I mean BIG B$. I finished Level 4 mastery in Episode 1. Almost done with Level 3 in Episode 2. Got NO bonus! Could anyone tell me how to exploit the glitch that fetches us 2-7 million baht during boss fight?
I appreciate all the tips shared here, but
ZYNGA STAFF read this blog.
SO GUYS if you want ZYNGA to fix ALL the glitches that help us, post them here! I thought we've learned that lesson a few good glitches back. ZYNGA FIXES THE GOOD GLITCHES WAY FASTER THAN THEY DO WITH THE REAL ANNOYING BUGS THAT MESS UP OUR GAME.
Is it still working?
Everytime I click the claim button it says you already claimed the bonus
I`m afraid the guy before you knows exactly what he`s talkin about
its work for some players (e.g. for me), for others not... and second thing - sometimes you won't get your bonus (as a player whgo posted) - i've posted it 2 days ago and still waiting for any bonus...
okay, i found a way to travel to Bangkok without ppl giving you passports.... but... just try it out
fill in the ten X's with your ID.
But it only says that you are in bangkok, but you are not :(
Ade, pls find a way to fix this link and make it right!
Hey i found a bangkok passport on a job in bangkok, Set Up a Phony Business. Anyone else got it from a job? yes its a bangkok passport, not thai coin etc
Still works, just try a few diff posts, does not work with every post.
this is a cool page london born mafia plyer here add if u like thanx 4 the input all
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