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Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Pocket Rockets!

Zynga has a lot of games.. one of them is my favorite game which is Mafia Wars and now they "forces" us to also play Zynga Poker game!

How do they do that?
By releasing one free item that we should gain from playing Zynga Poker game..
Actually they have done that before and I think they become an addict of doing that...

You'll see this pop up when you're playing your game at the first time today.. Nice stats of that Pocket Rockets!

So then you have to play Zynga Poker game and level up for 3 times to get that item.. someone said that you have to be above level 6 to unlocked this item.. but I already passed level 6, so don't know for sure..

Here is the stats of Pocket Rockets!

You will also rewarded with one achievement for doing this... will post later on..

I wonder if they continue doing this... as I don't have much time to play more than one game everyday.. Anyway, you can try to play Zynga Poker to get it, otherwise you can just leave it.. only 1 piece, not necessarily to do that.. Gotta go..

PS : Thanks for sharing Dan D, Tom, Rashed, Søren, b00st, and some other that I might forget.. Have a nice day! This one is for you!


Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

3 levels, damn...
I'm already level 36 in poker, this will take a while. There is no time lime limit for it right?

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

Went for level 6 to level 10 in zynga poker but no Pocket Rocket Gun/achievement :(

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

The new popup today in your screenshots says it is 53 23 , but it is still 51 30 in my inventory .. wonder if it would be different if you earned it today

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

The achievement is bugged. I've gone up 6 levels and gotten the pop up saying I got it twice. But then when I go check Mafia Wars there's still nothing. No item, no achievement.

wIn^ said... [Reply to comment]

i already lvl up 4 times and still no pocket rocket! i hate zynga for making me play poker! i want my pocket rocket now zynga! i already level up more than 3 times! GRRRrrrrrrr

RB said... [Reply to comment]

Aku udah naik 3 lvls nih..
tapi dimana claim rocketnya yah?

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

received the pop-up stating i have won it but neither do they award me with it nor do i see it anywhere in MW to click and claim it.

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

ok... i got both pocket rockets and ace up the sleeve. i leveled up to 6 and got my pocket rockets. i had to bookmark poker apps though and it redirected me to MW. and i recieved it. Then i i clicked on the ace up the sleeve and was went to poker again. sincei have already mad it to level 6 it gave me the ace up the sleeve as well. i hope this helps!

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

I am new to your blog and just spent about 1 hour and 30 minutes reading. I think I will frequently visit your blog from now on. I will definitely learn a lot from them.Buy Pocket Rockets

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