Ok, this is not a glitch! Simply one way to get all your bonus items from your friends Chop Shop or Weapons Depot upgrade!
So no exploit at all.. legally thing, I hope..
Thanks to Cohen who found this way and appreciate that you share this trick with me, mate..
So no exploit at all.. legally thing, I hope..
Thanks to Cohen who found this way and appreciate that you share this trick with me, mate..
You can use one of Spockholm bookmarklet called "Brutush Helper Beta" by visiting this site :
http://www.spockholm.com/mafia/testing.phpHow to :
1. Drag "Brutush Helper Beta" bookmarklet to your toolbar..
2. Unframe your game using Unframe-MW bookmarklet and go to GIFTING page..
3. Then click on the bookmarklet..
4. Only CHECK on Chop list below.. or you can check on Weapons also if you want to grab your weapon bonus from your friends wall.
5. Click on START button.
Just wait it running and collecting all your bonus cars or weapons!
I have plenty of bonus from using this bookmarklet! See how many Sonic Five cars I got so far, I'm still using this tool..
Well, what are you waiting for???
But be noticed, use at your own risk, guys! Because Zynga doesn't like 3rd party tool..
PS : Credit goes to Spockholm bookmarklet!
Thanks to Cohen..
cohen here you can put the time as 0-0 how to do go to where it says one keep finger on backspace and press 0 at same time take finger off the backspace do the same with the other one it makes it very quick but guys its best to keep it at 1-1
add me please.
Hey Cohen, how about 0-1 ? Is it faster or slower or make no difference ?
many thanks! " This trick is fantastic .. I have collected over 200 items
including 78 five sonic .. finished work to send you my stats
good and working ... thanks...
25 so far
the only bad thing is this hurts all the smaller mafia players that actually like to click links and get items. so the big mafia's get stronger and the little guys are left in the dust!!!
i hate these tools - why play if u cant click yourself...thats not playing at all...
125 so far :))
nice tip, thx.
brutus is running for the first time and collected 524 from all my members, lol
where do u get the Unframe-MW bookmarklet ?
now you can get Future Shock 1985 too :)
i cant find it, does anybody have a direct link the page its found on?
i have over 100 Future Shock 1985
i use brutus, but i didnt get anything, does anybody know??
hey anoymous mabie your doing it wrong and 0-0 makes it quciker but zynga catchs on so it best to have 0-1 il email ade more gltiches when i find them
Hi MWblogz,
Can you put a tutorial for this guide? I'm a little lost here on how to follow the procedure. Hope you can help.
Thanks & Regards,
Its mega cooooooooooooool...........i've thinking how my friend got 256 sonic fives......man everyones doing it then why not me.....
its works...
thanks a lot ...
works great for me
%1.8 yet but here is what got:
1x AK-47
1x Extra Pair of Eyes
1x Flaming Shot
2x Future Shock 1985
2x Hot Coffee
3x Liquid Courage
2x Mutt
1x Sonic Five
1x Tomahawk
http://www.facebook.com/gokhandirik add
Can't get it to work. I click on "Brutush Helper" and it says, "Some error occured, Helper not loaded". Then it asks if I tried to run it on my gift page.
Maybe the link is no good now?
This does not work, all I get are errors and Page not loaded messasges.
nice. it works. can we use it everyday?
3x AA-12 Auto Shotgun
7x AK-47
1x ATV
3x Compound Bow
5x Cricket Bat
2x Fugama Kame SUV
3x Garza 12 Shotgun
3x Knuckle Duster
2x Mara Serpiente
2x Montaine 320
1x Multi-Purpose Truck
3x Musket
2x Ru-38 Pistol
21x Sonic Five
5x Tomahawk
i have this do far. it's really slow but it's so nice to have it.
Progress: 0 of 749 (0.0%) (Popup remaining) Delay: - sec
Friends helped: Total: 0
Exp gained: 0
Money gained:
Status: Some sort of problem when loading page, retrying..., not retrying any more.
Showing loot:
Showing Log:
[15:33] Error when loading page, retry #11
[15:33] Error when loading page, retry #10
[15:33] Error when loading page, retry #9
[15:33] Error when loading page, retry #8
[15:32] Error when loading page, retry #7
[15:32] Error when loading page, retry #6
[15:32] Error when loading page, retry #5
[15:32] Error when loading page, retry #4
[15:32] Error when loading page, retry #3
[15:32] Error when loading page, retry #2
[15:32] Starting check of 749 friends.
Does it work at all now.. error messages
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