I was on the Home page tab and wanted to see my other new messages and stuffs, but accidentally clicked on the 'Buy Now' button! Suddenly I have notification that I had one Crop Duster and of course spent 35 of my Reward Points!
I know this is a good offensive vehicle, but for 35 RPs???
Why there is no step for confirmation to buy??? Does it set that way so we can instantly spend our precious RPs?
I can only suggest you to watch out on clicking on the flash thingy feature above.. You have been warned! 

That sucks... :/
DAMN, I just did the same thing minutes before I read this!
DAMN Zynga!!!!!!!!
I did the same thing. For the first time ever I was so upset that I wrote a post to the Zynga MW Forum.
Sending energy to mafia requires two clicks, but wasting 35 rp only one? What a shenanigan!
same thing happened to me.. :(
they made it on purpose to make us spend our RPs accidentally..
I've bought 2 of them now by accident. Same thing with a friend of mine, she send an Email to Zynga and they gave her 35 reward points back. I sent out an e-mail also and I'm waiting to see if I get my 70 points back for those 2 damn Crop Dusters. I buy Yakuza Assassin's & Shaolin Bodyguard's on a daily basis so I don't want to waste reward points on Crop Dusters.
You can write Zynga support and ask for a refund.
the spy tech crate is a re relese with new items go on mafa wars wiki to see
Same thing happened to me last week. I wanted to Hide my notifications for my job posting and ended up hitting the buy now for the mustard gas (43atk). 25 gf points wasted.
If you email support, they'll refund you back your points, so try that!
I clicked the same link by accident. I was accepting the mystery bags and there , my 35 RP spent !!! its a good stat vehicle but come on , nothing is worth 35 RP :(
LoL. I made the same mistake too. How stupid they put this LE item on the notification flash =.=
percis..sama banget..
exactly what happen to me yesterday!!!..the 1st time i feel sorry to buy the LEL..why they put the crop duster in the news not the other LEL, i'm quite interested in the black widow and the other LEL, but been thinking to buy them or not(since my GF is not that much:D)..instead i ACCIDENTALLY buy this..:P
they really should put the "confirm" pop-up button after the "buy now"..so i know the feeling ade..:D
Well, I am sure glad I am not the only one who has done that :(
I always stay away frm buying Loot items.... i rather spend my Gp for skill points.. i am level 380 now...do i still have to spend my Gp for Skill items...pls help
what can i say...LOL
Yup zynga will do anything to have us spent money to get more RPs, feel sorry for you :(
I always spent my RP once I have enough for energy refills or skill points so things like that don't happen to me
nw i hv also done this
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