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Monday, April 26, 2010

Robbing Bugs

Hi there! Hello all!

Some players still have bugs on their account.. this time it is a bug on Robbing page.
From first screenshot, we can see that all targets are EASY..

But when they have robbed them all, targets turn to become MEDIUM or even HARD!

Woot, that player needs lots of Burners for Call For Backup!
I don't know what's causing this matter.. hope you'll have it fixed soon, my friends..

This one below has funny Robbing targets.. everytime he goes to Robbing page, he only sees 6 Targets instead of 9!

He still has 6 Targets eventhough refreshing the grid over and over..

I have to tell this again, if you find any annoying glitch or bug on your game, you can always go to Support team and submit a ticket for your problem..
Tell them and provide with screenshot and your user ID.

Good luck! Thanks a lot!

PS : Thanks for sharing, Natanael and Fodor!


Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Someone who has only 6 targets on robbing, it's not a bug. That happens to me too before. It because we can't get full screen from loading mw page. To many error loading to enter in the game lately, sometimes white out screens, blackout screens, or half screen. If your page only loading half screen, that will only show 6 targets on robbing page, you can't see all jobs, you can't see your full stats, refresh it won't work, we must close that and open mw page from beginning until we'll get normal loading of page. This is very annoying, hope it will back to normal loading asap.

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

another bug popping up now is the number of mafia that you bring to the fight. For some reason it is frequently capping at 25 for each side for properties which are supposed to allow for higher numbers. nothing to do but roll with it i guess and hope they address the issue.

my only guess is that with good stats it is entirely possible to average around 3.3xp/stam which puts robbing the grid above that magical 2.5 number which is the break even for the 5 SP gained at the end of a level. Obviously, this means that stamina players now have a fast, high paying task to drain the reserves and at the same time "get ahead" of the exhaustion point we are all familiar with. At a 3.3 rate of return, we are left with a surplus of ~20% in SP, or 1 extra per level to devote elsewhere.

So, my guess is that these bugs we are now seeing are attempts to cull the xp/stam ratio in a non-obvious way.

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

You can always click on the middle of the screen and use the 'Tab' button to find your way to the last three... then use 'Tab' again to go to the top...

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