I think the mission purpose is to encourage us to finish the city faster...
Liaw has sent me some screenshots of the new Missions for New York city.
He has not finished New York yet, so somehow the Mission tab is suddenly appear just below his the game tabs.
For the type of missions, you can check my blog post here and detail info here on Missions 411 and FAQ.
Back to Liaw now and his Missions now..
He has completed the first mission named Embezzle Political Funds : Part 1, now time to collect the rewards..
Here it is :
You can also publish it so your friends can collect free Loyalty Points.
Here is another mission called Disrupt A Sting. Time to collect the rewards again :
Here are the rewards for this mission : Harpoon GT car, 30K of Vegas Chips and some XP.
Then you can see that there is a NEW MISSION available...
Every Mission has different objective(s). Now the mission called Embezzle Political Funds : Part 2. The ingame character orders you to do 2 objectives : finish one job and do robbing!
PFor 'Perform A Hit' of the Embezzle Political Fund : Part 2, click the 'GO NOW' button and you will be directed to New York 'Street Thug' tier. Don't waste your 15 RPs to buy it. Do the Job 15 times and you shall complete it.
Ok, again.. another mission is appearing under the game tabs.
You know the drill.. finish it!
Also another one after the previous one..
You can see now we have "check" mark above the head icon below.
This time you have to Kill Richard Parson.. In order to do that, we have 3 objectives now..
Finish the objectives one by one.. First go to Weapon Depot & build 2 weapons, any weapons of your choice.. After that go Fight page, you can see we have Richard Parson and some witness as our targets!
Attack Richard (8 stamina) & 5 witnesses (2 stamina each).
This mission needs some efforts because we have to use RPs if you want to build 2 weapons at a time. And also need some Staminas to kill Richard and 5 witnesses.
For completing this Mission we get L$10,000, 10 Victory Coin & 735 Experience. No cool items.. ![](http://i49.servimg.com/u/f49/11/59/11/00/on_gig10.gif)
So no reason to finish it in rush!
I think it's enough for New York missions.
I'm waiting forward if anybody can give me some examples of Missions in Italy.
Thanks in advance! ![](http://i49.servimg.com/u/f49/11/59/11/00/on_pli10.gif)
Note : For more info about New York Missions, you can check them all at Mafia Wars Wiki - Missions. So far when this article posted, only available New York missions, but I'm sure all admins and fans will update the site regularly. Thanks for all hard works, guys!
PS : Special thanks to Liaw for the kind help providing all screenshots for me. Have a nice day, Liaw!
Credit goes to Mafia Wars Wiki!
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