Many of us were suggesting for this feature before, and now finally Zynga made it and released it for everyone.
The sad part is that, we'll need to collect items that are needed to build our Armor or upgrade the depot.. Might take some time, but we'll see!

This is the look of the Armory Depot in New York Property!
And you can see the info from Daily Checklist too..
Ok, so we're able to publish for help..
Param and Robbie has done some fighting, and apparently the Power Armor Special Part is dropping from Fight and also Robbing (not sure because I have not done it yet).
We can use this part in making Power Armor (level 10 armor).
That's it... I just got back from the gym... need to take a bath and have my dinner time..
Enjoy your game, guys! 

PS : Thanks to Robbie, Param, Cohen and Hayden!
+339 att. and 534 def. ? wow, just curious what are those items, drop in 1600= stamina only, :P
Do these parts loot anywhere? Tested only in Las Vegas - only Power Armor Special Part and MNU Special Part looted/appeared from jobs and fights - what about rest of items? I suspect that they appear only in NY - confirm or contradict it please.
I haven't done any New York jobs, but I've done hundreds of Las Vegas jobs and thousands of fights each in Las Vegas, Bangkok and New York and have not received anything other than Power Armor Special Parts and MNU Special Parts, so it seems you can only get the armory building materials from gifts and requests.
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