For you who has not defeated all four Bosses on San Juan event, you still have 1 and a half day to go..

Some friends still got bugs on this event..
Let me discuss one by one..
One players got more than 1 Night Vision Viewer as one of San Juan mastery item..
It's good, but not fair.. 

Haider tried to help his friends on the Boss Fight, but he got this message..
I also have tried to help my mafias on theirs, but everytime I click to attack, the Boss Health always turn to be FULL again! Rajan said, it looks like I give him energy drink or something.. No way I can help my mafia to finish their fight! 

We also can see this kind of screenshot, where we already got 4 stars but still able to attack!
Another friend can see this American flag on the Health bar.. Is that a joke?
Anyway, I keep helping my friends on their Boss Fights.. sometimes it is just so sad when I have run out of Stamina and unable to help.. Apologize for this and hope all of you can finish this event and able to get all the four stars items!
Don't forget to ask for help and use Boss Fighter bookmarklet..
Happy killing! 

PS : Thanks to Haider, Ankit, and some others for the screenshots..
The flag, at least, is an extension of Skype. The browser think that stamina is a phone number.
Not Zynga's fault this time ;D
I second Leon's Comment
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