How does one get this item onto their wishlist?
Share please! :)
(Peter sent it this info to me!)

We're all know that "Pain & Suffering" is a weapon special for Developers team!
There is no way I know to put it on wishlist...
So sorry to let you down, Hayden.. even if we know the ID number of this weapon, it will tell us that we have put the invalid item on the wishlist!
And I don't think that we can send it anyway... 

Perhaps anybody has a clue about how to put it on wishlist?
Thanks for sharing Peter and Hayden..
well i am pretty sure how is that possible and how it is not anymore..when zynga released las vegas, all weapons were giftable and able to be put on the wishlist..ofcourse few days later they removed the option for most of them to be gifted..
so i am sure that that guy has that item on his wishlist by the day it was giftable and just hasnt remove it from it :D
@that is nothing to do with vegas
Pain & Suffering is only for developers team
check the name of the item,... its not the vegas one. Maybe it would drop from red mystery bags when you have it on wihslist... btw. anybody know how to put the new game card bonus item on wishlist?
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