You will get this pop up on your game.. (It's simply random by Zynga, you don't know why are you having this promo while your friends are not!)
And if you check on your Marketplace page, you can see this offer..
It is the reward for buying Reward Points! Yes, dealing with "real money"! The more you use your Credit Cards, the more Loyalty Points you get..
Travis got Platinum status without knowing how to get that!

Anyway, you can only claim one time of free Loyalty Points.. I have tried to collect twice but I see this..
You have already received your free loyalty points for the day.


But don't worry, guys..
It's not like you'll lose more fights because someone has better loot than you using this program.. If you do lose to a Credit Card player, it's because the person spent big bucks not on items, but on Skill Points. So we will lose anyway, with or without this loot.
So hail to the Emerald/Gold/Platinum member! 

Let them beat our arse!
PS : You can join the thread on Zynga forum here :
Thanks to Red!, Hayden, Cohen, James and Travis!
yea, this aint gonna be happening
hi ade. fiendly tip. go to marketplace and buy bundles. loyalty items are mixed inside and they are free. u only pay rp for the rp items. refresh the page until u get a nice bundle.
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