Our friend here have finished the first chapter on this mission.. but still the level says zero on the progress..

Thanks God that he already have all four mastery items!
And I forgot to mention on the the previous post about this mission, we are able to get Pint of Stout from our friend's celebration. They will receive one of the consumable too..
See? Both can get one of Pint of Stout..
PS : Thanks to Toto and Imran!
i dont see a bug here
the pic says he finished the first job
and 4x loot means 1x on every job
No it is supposed to be like that now you get one for each job... The same goes for the other 2 tiers as well just for them items for that tier instead not them both or all of them.
That is why the 4X loot symbol is next to the prize loot box.
On this event you'll get 4x of the same item to finish this episode that's why 4x loots
is not a bug the event said 4x loot you can get one item everytime you finish one job
if you read well next to the challenge mission
there is an 4XLOOT wich means thet for every job mastered you recive 1 of the special loot , in this case the irish traveler.
It happende with me too i have 2 of the irish travellers by now
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