Thanks to Hayden for this info..
They removed the "Skip" button from all the popups in-game. We now have to click the little small "X" at the top right in order to close the popups now..
Here are some examples :

There are more places where the "Skip" buttons are removed, but I did not take screen shots for them too..
Actually this was also been reported by somebody.. I was searching for your email, but couldn't find it.. So whoever you are, thanks a lot for eager to help me providing the info..
I have got to go now.. time for me to sleep now..
Bye, my friends...
PS : Gotcha! It was VaibhaV who sent me the email several days ago! Thanks, buddy.. 

I hate that they took away the skip button. This makes playing with an iPhone a real pain in the butt as the little X is obscured by the side bar.
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No SPAM, rude words, don't use Caps Lock.. Thank you! :)